Selvage example |
Our Clark County Quilters guild Saturday Workshops got off to a later start this year. Before COVID, there would be one Saturday in January when members would teach other members a class. The variety of classes was always amazing and at most, you might be able to take two half day classes. We held the event at a church.
Last year, we had workshops via zoom. What a learning curve that was both for teachers and participants! We had classes every Saturday in January. Most of the Saturdays, we had a three hour class in the morning and a three hour class in the afternoon. On one Saturday, we had a full day class.
Example of a selvage with not enough fabric |
I attended all of the classes and had a blast. Of course, I have yet to finish all the projects that I started; but, I have finished or made good progress to that end!
Example of wonky edge selvage |
This year, the leadership for the committee changed on Thursday, January 13. To support the new chair, I offered to teach a three hour class on January 22. On Friday, January 14, I e-mailed the chair a photo of the quilt and a description/supply list for the class. On Sunday, January 16, the chair listed the workshops that she had scheduled on the guild's FaceBook page.
On Monday, January 17, the newsletter chair released a constant contact newsletter regarding the workshops. Bless the
Selvage variety |
members as they began registering for the class as soon as they saw the class list! I taught the first class which was a string piecing technique. We used the "Scrap Vortex"
pattern available through Quilting Daily. In our three hour class, we began piecing fabric for the string borders. I'm posting the photos for the selvage portion of the presentation.
Glueing the selvages |
Nineteen of the twenty people registered attended my class from 9-12pm on Saturday, January 22. The person who did not attend was ill. I spent the week working on a slide presentation and step outs for the class.
I decided to not only teach the strip technique I taught last year; but, I also planned to teach how to string piece selvages. It is important to provide options for the class participants to choose. Not everyone will want to make the pattern and not everyone will want to use the materials that I consider strings. Options make the class more appealing to a larger pool of participants.
I chose a second class of strings because people would either have them or could create them without having to make a trip to the fabric store or local quilt shop.
Checking if the selvage is straight |
I worked with the Saturday Workshop chair to hold a practice session to ensure I could share my screen for the presentation. I tested where to position my cell phone for optimum view of the step outs or to answer questions if I needed to show a step. I also practiced making breakout rooms.
Last year, I felt we needed some time to be able to chat with each other. There were more than 30 people who attended. I found me trying to answer questions and watch progress was tough. I didn't feel like I supported each person as much as I would have liked. I decided that having a smaller group where people could help each other as well visit with each other would be beneficial. I've been in break out rooms where I was assigned; but, I learned there was a Zoom feature where people could choose their own breakout room.
I tried it and that feature enhanced the class. I was able to visit each of the three breakout rooms to provide clarity as well as listen to the conversations. One room, the selvage edge, had one participant. We chatted and I answered her questions and then she joined the room of people doing something different than the pattern.
Stitch close to the selvage edge |
We also used the chat feature of Zoom as a way to introduce ourselves. I loved reading their introductions as well as their answers to some of the questions that I posed during the presentation.
Introducing ourselves in this manner was more efficient and most of the participants participated. I felt the chat went well and I would employ that manner of introductions and as an ice breaker again.
The participants liked the pace of the class. They asked if they could have a copy of my presentation. I made a pdf of the file and e-mailed it to them. I was honored that they felt the presentation was worth saving!
Selvage fabric ready for insertion in a quilt top |
The breakout rooms were a hit! After class, I loved seeing people post their string strip pictures on the guild Facebook page. They wrote that they appreciated my organization. Many wrote that they took my class last year, had had fun as a first experience into strings and wanted to refresh their knowledge. One participant wrote that she liked the things I make and the topic interested her.
Members paid $5 to attend the session. The fee goes to support the guild. Every little bit sure helps the guild. I was impressed with how quickly the program came together. I'm looking forward to being a participant in as many Saturday workshops as I can fit in my schedule. I did take the "Upcycle Apron" class that was the 1-4pm class on the 22nd. It was totally fun. I think the granddaughters would like a new apron to wear when they come to visit. (The youngest granddaughter has grown out of the one I made a number of years ago!)
What I accomplished in an hour |
So, I had a detour away from my goals; but, I like taking the scenic route. I'll be back on task soon! By the way, Gertie had a ball putting together the presentation. She
became so excited seeing the variety of strings used!
Yes, she has been sharing her ideas of all sorts of string/selvage projects that she would love me to tackle. She continues to chatter away at all the possibilities as she points to the rather large box of selvages that I have collected!
With Gertie, I know that I will NEVER run out of project possibilities!