Sunday, January 30, 2022

Gertie Writes: Red Blocks for the January Rainbow Scrap Challenge!

Rainbow Scrap Challenge block
This is Gertie, Terry's inner squirrel. I've convinced her to let me write the Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) posts this year.

Last December, I ran across a Curved Log Cabin tutorial from Said With Love. When four log cabin blocks were pieced together, the result was a circle. I liked the illusion of the circle that was created when there were only straight seams stitched! A bonus of this tutorial was the block was offered in two sizes. I decided that this block in two sizes would be perfect for Terry's Rainbow Scrap Challenge block for the year.

She has always liked log cabin blocks. Terry has used them as a border and has pieced a few into sampler quilts; but, this will be the first time she will have enough blocks for an entire quilt! It didn't take a lot of effort for her to get on board with stitching these blocks this year.

Large block
Our plan is to make one large block which will finish at 22 inches and two small blocks which will finish at 11 inches each month. Other than combining the two sized blocks into a top, I don't have a plan for an end project other than I'd like the top to have a "modern" feel to it. If we need more blocks, we'll extend the project into 2023! After all, I am squirrel.  Starting projects and stock piling blocks are two of my best attributes!

Small block
Again, we're planning a cream/white scrappy background for all of the blocks. I wanted to try piecing the blocks with a complimentary background. Although Terry contemplated long about that opportunity, she didn't take my inner squirrel's suggestion. Perhaps, next year!

We do plan to spend some time cutting background kits for each block so that when Angela releases the color for the month, it will only take the time to choose and cut the color of the month before she can begin piecing.

A red kit for the small block ready to stitch
Miss K, Terry's oldest granddaughter at nine and a half, is interested in making blocks for the challenge. Last year, she pieced a chunk of string blocks to help Terry keep up each month during the 2021 RSC. Miss K's string piecing skills become better with each block she finished. 

This year, Terry thought that Miss K could increase her quilting skills and learn how to cut with a rotary cutter. She was ready to try. Terry plans to cut the strips. Miss K will sub cut the segments as the length will be shorter. A shorter length should equate to less of an opportunity for her to cut herself. Terry introduced Miss K to the Dritz rotary cutter that Terry purchased when she was first introduced to a rotary cutter back in the early 90's. 

It is a pressure sensitive cutter. Although, I couldn't find a Dritz brand one on line so that you could read about it, I did find an alternative brand. Pushing down on the handle exposes the blade. When learning, not having to remember to open and close the blade lets one concentrate on keeping one's fingers out of the cutting path. At least, this is our hope!

Red blocks for January
Miss K did well with the cutting. She sub cut enough sections to piece a small block. She hasn't decided whether she wants to make these blocks, if she wants to piece the RSC blocks she made last year--she has planned a layout--or if she wants to do both! Time will tell. 

I'm linking to Angela and the Rainbow Scrap Challenge for January where red is the color of the month. I'm also linking to Cynthia and Oh Scrap/Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework. This was goal number six on Terry's January list.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

String Workshop--Saturday Workshop #1 2022

Selvage example
Our Clark County Quilters guild Saturday Workshops got off to a later start this year. Before COVID, there would be one Saturday in January when members would teach other members a class. The variety of classes was always amazing and at most, you might be able to take two half day classes. We held the event at a church.

Last year, we had workshops via zoom. What a learning curve that was both for teachers and participants! We had classes every Saturday in January. Most of the Saturdays, we had a three hour class in the morning and a three hour class in the afternoon. On one Saturday, we had a full day class. 

Example of a selvage with not enough fabric 
I attended all of the classes and had a blast. Of course, I have yet to finish all the projects that I started; but, I have finished or made good progress to that end!

Example of wonky edge selvage
This year, the leadership for the committee changed on Thursday, January 13. To support the new chair, I offered to teach a three hour class on January 22. On Friday, January 14, I e-mailed the chair a photo of the quilt and a description/supply list for the class. On Sunday, January 16, the chair listed the workshops that she had scheduled on the guild's FaceBook page.

On Monday, January 17, the newsletter chair released a constant contact newsletter regarding the workshops. Bless the
Selvage variety

members as they began registering for the class as soon as they saw the class list! I taught the first class which was a string piecing technique. We used the "Scrap Vortex" pattern available through Quilting Daily. In our three hour class, we began piecing fabric for the string borders. I'm posting the photos for the selvage portion of the presentation. 

Glueing the selvages
Nineteen of the twenty people registered attended my class from 9-12pm on Saturday, January 22. The person who did not attend was ill. I spent the week working on a slide presentation and step outs for the class. 

I decided to not only teach the strip technique I taught last year; but, I also planned to teach how to string piece selvages. It is important to provide options for the class participants to choose. Not everyone will want to make the pattern and not everyone will want to use the materials that I consider strings. Options make the class more appealing to a larger pool of participants.

I chose a second class of strings because people would either have them or could create them without having to make a trip to the fabric store or local quilt shop. 

Checking if the selvage is straight
I worked with the Saturday Workshop chair to hold a practice session to ensure I could share my screen for the presentation. I tested where to position my cell phone for optimum view of the step outs or to answer questions if I needed to show a step. I also practiced making breakout rooms.

Last year, I felt we needed some time to be able to chat with each other. There were more than 30 people who attended. I found me trying to answer questions and watch progress was tough. I didn't feel like I supported each person as much as I would have liked. I decided that having a smaller group where people could help each other as well visit with each other would be beneficial. I've been in break out rooms where I was assigned; but, I learned there was a Zoom feature where people could choose their own breakout room.

I tried it and that feature enhanced the class. I was able to visit each of the three breakout rooms to provide clarity as well as listen to the conversations. One room, the selvage edge, had one participant. We chatted and I answered her questions and then she joined the room of people doing something different than the pattern. 

Stitch close to the selvage edge
We also used the chat feature of Zoom as a way to introduce ourselves. I loved reading their introductions as well as their answers to some of the questions that I posed during the presentation. 

Introducing ourselves in this manner was more efficient and most of the participants participated. I felt the chat went well and I would employ that manner of introductions and as an ice breaker again.

The participants liked the pace of the class. They asked if they could have a copy of my presentation. I made a pdf of the file and e-mailed it to them. I was honored that they felt the presentation was worth saving! 

Selvage fabric ready for insertion in a quilt top
The breakout rooms were a hit! After class, I loved seeing people post their string strip pictures on the guild Facebook page. They wrote that they appreciated my organization. Many wrote that they took my class last year, had had fun as a first experience into strings and wanted to refresh their knowledge. One participant wrote that she liked the things I make and the topic interested her.

Members paid $5 to attend the session. The fee goes to support the guild. Every little bit sure helps the guild. I was impressed with how quickly the program came together. I'm looking forward to being a participant in as many Saturday workshops as I can fit in my schedule. I did take the "Upcycle Apron" class that was the 1-4pm class on the 22nd. It was totally fun. I think the granddaughters would like a new apron to wear when they come to visit. (The youngest granddaughter has grown out of the one I made a number of years ago!)

What I accomplished in an hour
So, I had a detour away from my goals; but, I like taking the scenic route. I'll be back on task soon! By the way, Gertie had a ball putting together the presentation. She
became so excited seeing the variety of strings used! 

Yes, she has been sharing her ideas of all sorts of string/selvage projects that she would love me to tackle. She continues to chatter away at all the possibilities as she points to the rather large box of selvages that I have collected!

With Gertie, I know that I will NEVER run out of project possibilities!

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Frolic is a FINISH. . .At LAST! (Post 12)

Quilting pattern
My friend and fellow Mystery Maven, Christie, quilted Frolic for me. We chose a curved vine motif quilted in lime green thread. I liked the results. I had purchased batting that was 120 inches wide on a roll. I thought that I had purchased 132 inches so that I could piece the batting to be six inches bigger than the top. Christie let me know that the batting was a couple inches short. She did an awesome job of making it work. 

I didn't try to measure the batting. . .I don't have a space large enough to measure accurately. I am sorry that she had the headache of not enough to deal with! She added a piece of batting to ensure the batting reached to the edge of the quilt. I did that as well in a spot.

I had planned to machine stitch the binding but then decided to hand stitch it so that took a lot more time. Then I decided to add a sleeve. I had to purchase more fabric.  Hand stitching the sleeve took some time too!

View of the back
For the label, I used a leftover block. I thought that I would finish this project before 2021 ended as I had machine sewn the binding on the quilt the first week in December. I amended the information on the label a bit. From now on, I'll write the label when I've finished the quilt! The leftover block worked great as a label. I will use a leftover block as a label another time!

Once I had completed all the stitching, I washed the starch out of the quilt. I did pre-wash the fabrics and I did use color catchers during the final wash. Unfortunately, I had places where the fabrics. . .mostly red; but there were a couple places where the blues ran too.

I spent a day using Dawn and then Synthropol to reduce the bleeding effects. The quilt is 119 inches square. Washing it so many times was like wrestling a 1000 pound steer. (I grew up on a farm and we raised beef cattle.) The verdict was the bleed is lighter; but, still noticeable.
Finished front

Likely, the bleeding culprits were the scraps I had developed before I made prewashing a priority. While I'm disappointed about the bleeding, I'm still going to enjoy the quilt. It looks nice on the California King bed. It is going to live on the king bed in the guest room though!

I used a ton of scraps in this project. So stitching the blocks was a trip down memory lane which was a good diversion while stitching so many blocks! I'm linking to Cynthia at Oh Scrap/Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework.

This was goal number one on my January list. It was goal number one on my First Quarter list. It was my One Monthly Goal. Please visit  Patty at Elm Street quilts to read about other successful quilters with their monthly goals. Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal - January Finish Link-up It is my first finish for the year! It is my first finish of a Bonnie Hunter mystery! 

I used 33.5 yards of fabric. This month, I purchased 20 yards for various projects so I have used 13.5 yards of stash this year. I hope that I can do better this year at using stash and less well at stocking it!

Frolic was the project that we formed our Bonnie Hunter group, The Mystery Mavens. We have had new people join us and some of the founding members aren't as active as they were. Life has taken them away from the group; but, they tell me they will be back! For me, they have all been a blessing. Without their support, I would not have completed this project!

To review previous posts regarding this project, click on the links listed:

12. Frolic Back Pieced

11. Frolic Is A Top 

10. Making Progress on Frolic Border

9. Final Pieced Border

8. Final Pieced Border In Process

7. Frolic Blocks--More Sewn

6. Frolic post 6

5. Frolic post 5

4. Frolic post 4

3. Frolic post 3

2. "Frolick"ing Around With the Mavens post 2

1. Frolic Clue #1

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The Journey-a 2009 Book Club Finish


In 2009, our Thread Tales book club, read the book "The Tenth Gift" by Jane Johnson. In the book, Julia is given a book of old and beautiful embroidery designs. 

Close up of the quilting

Julia is a book seller. Upon examining the book more closely, Julia notices that it looks like there are diary entries listed. 

Cat has written the entries long ago and describes her life as an embroideress. Cat includes her experience of a Muslim pirate stealing her and members of her town to be auctioned off as a slave in Morocco. 

While reading this book, I took a Nancy Chong two fabric hand applique class. One of the patterns we could stitch was this sailboat. 

The pattern reminded me of Cat's description of being in the ships' hold and having no idea of where she was being taken. She was sailing into the unknown, yet hopeful of a good outcome. Her sewing skills served her well when she uses her skills to stitch a wound of her kidnapper. 

The author weaves Julia's story and Cat's story throughout the pages. In the end, Julia finds that there is a connection between the two of them. While I had a hard time jumping between centuries, I did enjoy the story.

I used the print of the brown fabric to add dimension to the project. I placed a layer of wool batting under the top and stitched around some of the leaf print to provide dimension to the project. 

I trimmed the excess and then layered the top with wool batting. I quilted the piece in silk thread in the needle and cotton thread in the bobbin.

I'm posting about this project so many years later because one of my goals is to record the various quilts I have made with my book club. Writing this post was goal number 13 on my January list

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Churn Dash is a Top AND There is a Pieced Back!--post 3

Making breakfast cocoa
 Miss J and Miss K spent an overnight with us recently. I picked them up at seven in the morning and returned them at five in the afternoon the following day! They thought that I was there to join them for a ten mile walk. One was not happy about walking in the dark and the other was concerned that there weren't enough snacks packed!

After we had traveled to our house by car and had taken a 20 minute "wamu-up" walk, they figured out that their parents had surprised them with an overnight with us, their grandparents. They were excited that we had begun our time together with an early start! They said getting up early on a Saturday was worth it after all! LOL!!

Frying pancakes
We had a blast! Spending time with the granddaughters is absolutely WONDERFUL! We started the day making pancakes and hot chocolate for breakfast. They are old enough and skilled enough to help with meal preparation.

After years of making special shaped pancakes like cats, dogs and Mickey Mouse, it was great to have special shaped pancakes made for me!  Miss J learned how to wait to turn the pancakes until the top was set. (There is less opportunity for a messy flip if the top is set.) She delighted in learning it was easier to flip the pancake if she lifted it higher.

Sewing the last border to the quilt
I learned how to bake bacon. Baking bacon is how they prepare it at home. My granddaughters are good teachers! (They thought it was funny that I hadn't baked bacon!) Baked bacon was easy and I likely will do it again. (They thought me baking it again was cool too!)

Finished top
Miss J, my eight year old granddaughter, has been spending time each week making progress on her Churn Dash top. She used the time we had together to finish constructing her top. She had two borders left to sew. She was excited to have finished the top. She liked measuring the top so we would know how big to make the quilt back. Our target size for the back was 77 inches by 90 inches.

When I asked her what fabrics she envisioned on the back of the quilt, she replied, "Orange of course!" Orange is not a color a I have much in my stash. I pulled a print of butterflies that has been in my stash for a long time. That fabric became our starting point. 

Auditioning and piecing the back progress
I have loved the butterfly fabric for years and have tried to use it in other projects; but, either there wasn't enough of it or I couldn't figure out how to showcase the print. I did broderie perse a few of the butterflies on a project. We picked a couple fabrics to compliment the butterflies. We started piecing the back.

Although Miss J liked the puzzle part of the process, she felt the seams went on forever! We stitched some seams a second time because our quarter inch in some places was less than a sixteenth of an inch. When we ran out of our selected fabrics, we perused the stash for other chunks of fabric that played well with the butterflies. 

Most of the complimentary fabrics are leftovers from my "Boo" Halloween wallhanging/table runner that I made years ago. We used about four and three quarters yards of scraps in this back. 

Finished back

Miss J was especially pleased to learn that she can independently sew short seams on her own. She, however, feels more comfortable if I continue to monitor the stitching process. At eight years old she is way ahead of my sewing abilities when I was her age!

We would sew a few seams and take a break. During our breaks, we took a walk, painted with water colors, cooked a lunch and a dinner. In short, we were busy! After she finished sewing her back together, we took a photo of her with her finished quilt back. She thinks it is way too big for the top that she made. She is also interested in being able to longarm her quilt. I'll make an appointment to do that with her.

Then, it was time to load up for home. She and her sister are ready to schedule the next overnight. I said there was a day in March that they would be spending the day with us and perhaps that day would work with their parents' schedules. Both replied in unison, "What about February? You can't skip February!" We will be putting our calendars together and finding another weekend in February to play together.

Helping Miss J finish the Churn Dash top and piece the back was goal number 10 in my January list.

Watch for an up coming post about what Miss K did while Miss J was working on her project! Since lots of scraps ended up in the back of this project, I'm linking to Cynthia and Oh Scrap/Quilting is More Fun Than Housework. Check out the link. There is lots of inspiration!

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Baby Quilts Are Tops And There Is A Pieced Back

Most of the project fabrics
 Our daughter Nicole, who lives in London, announced that she is pregnant. She told us, "It's a girl!" Her baby is due to arrive mid-March. 

Her news was super exciting because this is the daughter who always stated kids were not in her future. Miracles do happen! We are over the moon to be grandparents for a third and precious time! Perhaps, our youngest granddaughter will become a quilter!

One block ready to stitch
Of course, I sent a quilt home with Nicole at Thanksgiving to ensure that there would be a baby quilt available should her daughter arrive earlier than planned! While Nicole was visiting, I picked out some flannel fat quarters that I had on hand. I asked if she thought her daughter would enjoy a quilt made out of those fabrics/colors.

Two tops
Nicole took a look at the fabric. With a raised eyebrow, she said,  "you chose a fabric with flowers?" (Nicole is not a fan of any type of floral found in a print!) I told her to take a closer look as there was a fabric printed with butterflies; but, there were no florals in the mix of flannels. She did take a second look and agreed!

The pattern I decided to make came from Kat and Cat Quilts and her Covered in Love block
. I cut strips. From there, I subcut the pieces to make a block. I decided that I would make two quilts so that one quilt would always be available for use. 

Pieced back
My husband's grandmother gave me two flannel quilts when I was expecting. It was so great to be able to wash one while still having one available for comforting! Those quilts were always in use!

The blocks finished at twelve inches. I decided that a 48 inch square quilt or a four by four layout would work great. As I finished blocks, I'd put them on the design wall. 

This process allowed me to see the quilt come together. The design wall view helped me equally distribute the prints and colors around the quilt top. 

I pulled a few scraps that worked well for some of the shorter pieces of the block. After all, I had to have a few pieces of my friend Martha's flannels in this quilt. Martha made a lot of baby quilts in her quilting career!

I chain pieced, stitching two like blocks at a time. Of the finished blocks, I placed one on the design wall and the other I placed in a pile for the second quilt. I did cut the binding for both quilts after I had completed piecing the quilt tops.

I pieced the leftovers into one long back. I'm planning to longarm these quilts  both at the same time. Longarming two quilts at once will be different! I haven't tried that yet; but, I did make my back extra wide to accommodate both tops! I'm thinking that a yellow polyester thread would be a good thread  for the quilting and that a circle pattern would give the piece nice texture. 

After all of that piecing, my pile of scraps was small! I'll use the bits for string piecing and maybe the larger chunks will work for corner squares in another project. I was surprised at how few scraps remained from the 11 yards of abric that I pre washed at the beginning of the project! I love how colorful the fronts and the backs are.  

This was goal number eight on my January list. Perhaps next month,  I'll quilt them.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Lone Star Back. . .Pieced!! (post 4)

Finished pieced back
I took a different approach piecing the back for the Lone Star. I started with the leftover fabrics from the front. I knew I'd have to add some fabric; but, I didn't realize how much more I would need! Usually, I begin with the smallest scraps and work my way up to the larger scraps. 

This time,  I began with the big chunks. My goal was to build a back that was about 108 inches long by 88 inches wide. I dug through my stash and found a leaf print, 3/4 of yard of a red tone on tone, a quarter of a yard of a gold print and a quarter of a yard of another green print. I liked incorporating the three extra geese blocks that I didn't use on the front. 

At the end of the day, I had pieced the back. I figure there is about five and three quarters yards of stash in this back which includes the fabric for the sleeve. When I was trying to calculate how much fabric I needed, I found that there was a post about how to calculate yardage on the Missouri Star blog which was helpful. Regarding that quilt sleeve, I did save enough of the green print that I used on the front to make a sleeve. 

Next month, I'll get it layered and pin basted! This was goal
number four on my January list.

This week, I also stitched a wonky/crazy house block for the outgoing president of the Mt. Hood Quilters guild. I went with a stilt house at the shore. The block measurers 6.5 inches square. This was goal number 14 on my January list.

I'm linking to Cynthia and Oh Scrap and Quilting is More Fun Than Housework.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Fourth Quarter ReCap; First Quarter 2022 Goals

2021 empty spools
Below was my plan for the last quarter of the year 2021.

✔1. Finish gluing the butterfly pieces.

✔2. Finish the tea quilt.

✔3. Finish the tree skirt.

4. Finish Frolic.

5. Finish the heart wall hanging.

6. Help Miss J get her churn dash to a top.

✔7. Finish the log cabin.

8. Finish a hand embroidery project.

Hand stitching the binding in process
✔9. Get the string quilt I started last January to the a top.

✔10. Finish the charity baby quilt

11.  Finish the Lone Star.

✔12. Finish the fourth flannel top from Martha's scraps.

✔13. Stitch four to six gifts before the year ends.

Eight finishes, progress on three other goals. . .that is a win in my book! I realized last quarter that it is helpful to have fewer goals on my quarter list. It is helpful to use my monthly list as a way to divide a project into chucks to finish during the quarter. I'm going to try that approach this year. I also found having one project to highlight each month helped with the finishing process too. I met all 12 of my monthly goals this year!

Heart wallhanging parts & fabrics for the Lone Star back
In 2021, I used up 29 spools of thread. In 2020 when I first documented my spools, I used 19! 

I read about 50 books. A friend introduced me to audio books last  November. I've listened to four books. I didn't think I'd like audiobooks, but, I do! In no particular order, I'm listing the six books that I enjoyed the most last year below:

The Gentleman of Moscow/Amor Towles

Meet Me At the Museum/Anne Youngson

When We Were Young and Brave/Hazel Gaynor

Borders for Churn Dash Quilt
Salt--A World History/Mark Kurlanksy

Ship of Gold in the Deep Blue Sea/Gary Kinder

The Dressmaker of Khair Khana/Gayle Lemmon

What was your favorite read this year? Please leave your pick or two in the comments section.

My First Quarter goals are:

1. Finish Frolic. --I'm hand stitching the binding and have decided that I will add a sleeve so I'll still be at this project for a while. The end is in sight and I'll stitch two to three lengths of thread each evening until the project is finished! 

2. Finish the heart wall hanging project. I didn't even look at it last quarter. Likely, I'll tackle it in February.

Embroidery project
3. Help Miss J finish her Churn Dash project. Had she not come down with a nasty cold and had we not had some snow and icy weather on the days we had planned to stitch, she would have completed her top last month.

She has one more border to sew and the back to piece before she can quilt it. We are edging toward a finish! She has prepared her binding!

Finish String of Lightening
4. Fully finish the hand embroidery project. Last month, I completed the stitching. I need to look for a frame. I am inspired by Janice over at A Positive Outlook. The cross stitch bug has bitten Janice and she has the cutest ideas for fully finishing her work. Now that the holidays are behind us, I'll do a little shopping for a method of displaying the work.

5. Finish the Lone Star. I thought that I would piece the back and get it sandwiched last month; but that didn't happen!

6. Finish the String of Lightening quilt. I've started the quilting process.

Blocks for two flannel baby quilts
7. Finish two flannel baby quilts. Last December, I purchased additional flannels to go with my scraps and began piecing the project. These will be for my newest granddaughter who is scheduled to arrive in March.

8. Make progress on the Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks for 2022. I've selected a block that I will stitch in two sizes.

9. Make progress on the Temperature quilt for 2022. Last December, I determined the pattern I want to try. I ordered the hand dyed fabrics and the materials I need to English Paper Piece the project. I still need to purchase the background fabric and the fabrics that I plan to use for the third side of the cube. 

10. Document the Thread Tales Quilts that I stitched in 2009 and 2010. There are four quilts during this time period. 

Sunday, January 2, 2022

December Recap; January Goals

Binding for Frolic
My December goals were:

1. Finish Frolic.

✔ 2. Keep up with the Bonnie Hunter 2021  Rhododendron Trail mystery. 

3. Fully finish the small hand stitching project. 

✔4. Finish the fourth flannel quilt
Hand stitching project

5. Piece a back for the lone star and begin 
quilting it. 

6. Piece the Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks into a top.

✔7. Figure out my next RainBow Scrap Challenge block. I did enjoy playing along with Angela at Super Scrappy constructing the blocks this year!

✔8. Figure out my next Temperature quilt block.

9. Finish the heart wall hanging.

✔10. Make four to six decorative hanging kitchen towels.

✔11. Work on the new baby quilt(s). 

✔12. Layer the string top and begin quilting it. 

13. Finish the December temperature block and figure out the legend/sashing. 

✔14. Finish the log cabin block

15. Help Miss J get her churn dash blocks into a top and maybe quilted. 

Completing eight of the fifteen goals and making progress on four other goals was a good month! I do like looking back and seeing the progress that I have made!

I also helped four American Red Cross lifeguard instructors renew their certifications. I helped 35 participants earn their American Heart Basic Life Support certificates.

My January goals are:

Rhododendron Trail mystery blocks

1. Finish Frolic. I'm hand stitching the binding. I've completed two sides of the binding. The label is pinned in place. I've decided to add a sleeve. 

I thought that I would finish it last month; but, didn't. I hadn't planned to hand stitch the binding and I hadn't planned to add a sleeve. I've a lot of stitches ahead of me, however, I have many more stitches behind me. I can see the finish line!

This is the project that I am making as my One Monthly Goal this month. Please visit: Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal January Link-up for lots of inspiration!

2021 RSC blocks

2. Continue keeping up with the Bonnie Hunter 2021 Rhododendron Trail mystery. 

3. Fully finish the small hand stitching project. Last month, I finished the stitching. Now I need to figure out how to frame it.

4. Piece a back for the lone star. 

5. Piece the Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks into a top. My design consultant, the oldest granddaughter, has a good eye for color and composition. She has a plan

2022 RSC block
6. Stitch the 2022 Rainbow Scrap Challenge block. I had fun participating last year. I want to play along with Angela at SuperScrappy constructing blocks again this year! 

I chose a log cabin block. My sample block was even in the right color for this month so I believe I'm off to a great start! I might choose to make a couple blocks and continue making them in 2023!

7. Start stitching the Temperature blocks for 2022. I'm planning to English Paper Piece cubes this year. I need to purchase a few fabrics; but, my order for hand dyed fabric and paper piecing supplies has been placed! 

I plan to prep a lot of the papers so that when it comes to the day, I'll have a selection of parts ready to put together. Likely, I won't start piecing the blocks until the end of the month or perhaps at the beginning of February. Being behind won't be great; but, I'll be able to catch up.

8. Work on the new baby quilts. Last month, I stitched the blocks for two quilts. I'd like to get the tops pieced this month.
Determining the size for the 2022 Temperature block

9. Finish the December temperature block and figure out the legend/sashing. My design consultant, Miss K helped me with the sashing. I'm still stuck with the legend design.

10. Help Miss J get her churn dash blocks into a top and begin to piece the back. We had snow and ice on the days she had planned to come to stitch so we will have to schedule a sew day or two once the weather returns to wind and rain!

11. Begin a BOM. I purchased the Color My World kit last summer from The Quilt Show. I've been apprehensive about beginning the project because it is likely over my head. Likely, I'll work on pre-washing the fabrics to start. 

Baby quilt blocks

Gertie, my inner squirrel, was telling me to order the kit the day it was released. She's excited about this project! In fact, she wants to blog about that project and the RSC this year. Hm m m . . .I don't know if I'm ready to share my blog. 

12. Continue quilting the string top. I started the ditch quilting last month.

13. Write a post about a past Thread Tales quilt.

14. Make a house block for a guild president.

I'm linking to Angela at SuperScrappy regarding the RSC. I'm linking to Cynthia at Oh Scrap/Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework regarding my scrap projects.

String of Lightening
For many months, I've reported the COVID numbers. I've decided to no longer include a weekly report. Medical sources predict another serge of COVID cases in the coming weeks. For months, I've watched televised collegiate and professional football games. When the camera scans the crowd, I see few masks worn properly. When I'm out, I also see a disregard for masks.

With people disregarding the mask guidelines, serges will become more common place. The return to "normal" will be delayed even longer. I continue to shake my head at the state of the world in regards to its inhabitants' responses to battling COVID. I will continue to act responsibly when I leave my home. Home continues to be a wonderful place to hang. I am so thankful for my studio and for Zoom as a method to connect with friends. Please be safe!