Martha Projects

My friend, Martha, and I sewed often together for many years. Some weeks she came to my house and some weeks I went to her house. She sewed fast. She liked to have a lot of projects going at once. She always had a wire basket in her space that contained strings. She made a lot of projects with strings and scraps. I once asked her how she managed the wire basket because it always looked about the same. She said that she would bring in a piece of fabric and immediately cut a piece off to add to the string basket. 

Then she let me in on a secret. . .she had cleaned up her space. She told me there were strings in drawers, strings in the closet and strings under the bed. She giggled. I figured she was telling me a story because I never saw evidence of extra strings! When she passed in July 2017, I helped clear her sewing space. I asked for her strings and scraps. Little did I know that she had told me the truth! 

I decided that I would document the projects that I made with her scraps. If she were here, she would tell me that I was crazy to keep her scraps; but, she would be happy that I've been stitching them into finished projects!

I also have some of her fashion fabrics and some cross stitch kits.  I'll document what I did with those items too!

18. Rainbow Scrap Challenge Finished 12/15/2024

17. Pathways about a quarter of these scraps came from Martha's flannel bits. I still have some bits left! Finished 10/22/2023

16. I Spy about a quarter of these bits came from Martha's flannel bits. Finished 10/15/2023. Click the link to read the story.

15. Stitched 22 postcards from motifs she had cut from fusible web backed fabrics. Click the link to read the story.

14. All hearts come home for Christmas finished cross stitch kit. Fully finished August 2022. Click the link to read the story.

13. Love one Another fully finished cross stitch kit. Finished August 2022. Click the link to read the story.

12. Swimsuit for my eight year old granddaughter. Finished August 2022. Click the link to read the story.

11. String of Lightening: Made with strings packed into a gallon bag. There was a little left over so expect another project at some point! Click the link to read the story. Finished February 2022.

10: Bear Paw: Fourth Flannel quilt made with bits and four fat quarters as a start. Click the link to read the story. Finished December 2021.

9. Flannel baby quilt made for charity. Click the link to read the story. Finished October 2021.

8. Scrap Vortex: Click the link to read the story behind it. Finished September 2021.

Scrap Vortex

7. Tailings: Click the link to read the story behind it. Finished April 2021

6. Second Flannel Quilt: Click the link to read the story behind it. Finished March 2021 

5. Spring: Click the link to read the story behind it. Finished March 2021 

4. Joyful: Click the link to read the story behind it. Finished March 2021

3. First Flannel Quilt: Click the link to read the story behind it. Finished March 2021

2. Little Bits: Click the link to read the story behind it. Finished February 2021

1. A-B-C Quilt: Click the link to read the story behind it. Finished October 2019.


1 comment:

Bonnie said...

What a wonderful group of quilts you have made from Martha's scraps and stash. Great job. I really enjoyed reading about this nifty tribute. (Or at least that is how I see it!)