Sunday, August 4, 2024

July Recap and August Goals


Pressing the back of the 2022-2023 
Temperature Quilt
My July goals were:

✔1. Complete the June embroidery software lesson. Maybe stitch out the January lessons.
✔2. Press the top of the 2022-2023 temperature quilt.
✔3. Make the back for the 2023 temperature quilt.
✔4. Document The Farm Quilt finish.
✔5. Process The Farm Quilt scraps.
✔6. Work on the border for Indigo Way.
✔7. Keep up on the 2024 Temperature quilt.
✔8. Figure out the filler blocks, sashing and binding for Rita's temperature quilt. Purchase fabric if needed.
✔9. Stitch selvage squares in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge color of the month--which is aqua.
✔10. Document the recipes I've been making from a sourdough cookbook.
✔11. Update my knee surgery progress as well as my cataract surgeries.
✔12. Finish the improv piece I began in the Cindy Grisdela class which I'm calling "Play."
Making the legend for the 2022-2023 Temperature Quilt
✔13. Document the pieced back I made for the Transparency quilt.
✔14. Share the photos from the guild participants' Indigo Way.

✔15. Sew with a granddaughter should she be available.

This was a huge list, especially considering I worked a four day. I was also down with COVID for a full week followed by two weeks of serious fatigue and coughing. 

Gertie, my inner squirrel, helped me with the quilting filler for "Play." 

Auditioning back fabrics.
July 30, I had my second cataract surgery. I had the same surgeon; but a different anesthesiologist. With the eye block, I had ZERO pain. The surgery lasted about ten minutes and went well. 

July 31, I had an eye check with an ophthalmologist to ensure all was well. Next week, I'll have one more  eye check before being released to my optometrist.

I don't have much to report on the progress of  my knee other than I've decided to take care of the Achilles tendonitis that happened after I tore my quadriceps muscle. The heel pain keeps me walking "wonky" so my knee and quadriceps healing isn't progressing. J've made an appointment with a podiatrist.
Miss K quilting stitching in the ditch

As I pulled the fabric I had planned for the backing of the 2022-2023 Temperature Quilt, I found I didn't have near enough. I also remembered that I wanted to make a legend. I picked out four batik fat quarters that sort of coordinate with the main backing fabric. I made the legend and with the addition of couple other fabrics constructed the back. In August, I'll document the process.

Squaring the end of Rita's braid
I even figured out how to square the end of Rita's braids for her temperature quilt. 

The absolute best part of the month was that my granddaughter came to stitch a day! It is always wonderful to spend time with a grandchild!

I was able to complete all of my tasks in July . . . WAHOOOOOoooooo!!!!!!

My August goals are:
1. Begin quilting Transparency.
2, Work on the August Embroidery Software class.
3. Continue keeping up with the blocks for the 2024 temperature quilt.
4. Begin the piecing for "The Women" book club quilt.
5. Stitch selvage squares in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. The color for August is orange.
6. Sew with Miss K should she be available.
Seven months of recorded temperatures
7. Work on the challenge blocks. This will be a project that I can't share on this blog until there is a reveal in June 2025!
8. Document making the back of the 2022-2023
temperature quilt.
9. Work on Rita's temperature quilt. Now that I've figured out how to end the rows, it's time to make the top.

I'll be the teaching participants how to teach the Red Cross Water Safety programs this month and helping other participants complete their American Heart Basic Life Support skills tests so I'll have to be diligent with studio time!

Linking to Cynthia at Oh Scrap and Carol at To Do Tuesday!


Chantal said...

Oh, My, Sizzling Bacon!!! The pressing of all those little blocks is making me tired. I move my ironing board outside or in front of the TV when I'm stuck with a big task like that. How do you do it? A few rows at a time? Good luck with your goals for August. Love your temperature quilt. Enjoy! ;^)

Rebecca Grace said...

I love seeing the back of your temperature quilt with all of your tidy hand stitching, Terry! And how wonderful to have a sewing day with your granddaughter.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That is a lot of checkmarks, considering the other things you've been dealing with lately, Terry! I'm so glad your second cataract surgery went smoothly. Mike is ready to get his done this week, too. Your latest temperature quilt is looking wonderful! I think it's the rows of colorful flying geese that are really catching my attention. That's a neat design!

Vicki in MN said...

Yay for getting lots done in July! What was your granddaughter sewing?

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Your to-do list has my head spinning, Terry! Great to hear your second cataract surgery went so well. Miss K looks like her usual enthusiastic, ardent self!!!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

I always enjoy seeing your goal list Terry. I am amazed how much you get completed as well. I was thinking about you the other day and wondering if you had baked more bread. I am so happy that all went well with the cataract surgery. I know you are glad that is over with. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Yeah for the completed list! I love how you write your goals, it's a fun list to read, and clever to make one for a month instead of a week 😉
How wonderful to have your granddaughter sewing with you!