Wednesday, December 27, 2017

QAYG Finish--13 Finish for 4th Quarter Finish-A-Long (FAL) 2017

The label

Finishing the QAYG was #14 on my 4th Quarter Finish-A-Long list. I named it Skittles and Sherbet because the back
is like a package of skittles candy and the front is like looking at a dish of sherbet! This was a block of the month (BOM) project that utilized Westalee rulers. If you want to read the past posts, I've listed them below:
Month 1, Month 2, Month 3, Month 4, Month 5, Month 6 part 1Month 6 part 2, Month 7, Month 8

The back

First, I inked the label and basted it to the quilt back. I had this premade label in my stash for years. It seems to work great on this project! I've decided that I am going to try to capture the particulars of my finished projects. For instance, how many hours it took or how much money I spent or what kind of batting I used. Maybe someday I might want to know that information!

Second, I stitched the binding to the quilt. I'm getting better at the machine stitching process. I sure like how quickly this part goes using the machine instead of stitching the second part of the binding by hand!

The front

Third, I added the sleeve. I wanted to use the star fabric because I thought it added to the design of the back. The challenge was that I didn't have much left. I managed to piece a number of scraps together to make enough fabric for the sleeve. This is one of those times that I actually like the back better than the front! Which do you like better? The front? Or, the back?

I used 13 yards of fabric from my stash which brings me to 58 1/4 yards used from my stash this past year. I exceeded my goal of using 50 yards over the year!


Anonymous said...

It turned out beautiful! I like the front and back equally. The front looks Christmassy to me, so you could seasonally switch which side is the front.

Luann Fischer said...

Congratulations on the finish, as well as investing time in ruler work, and going over your 50 yard goal! Passing the 50 yard line, this time, is a touchdown! Front or back? Definitely BOTH, and that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. I wonder what 2018 will have in store for your creative super powers,,, may God bless the work of your hands. said...

Nancy, it is fun to have a project that either side could be the front! Thanks! I'm glad it is in in the finished pile! said...

Luann, ruler work is an investment and I need to spend more time working on improving my skill level. I'm chuckling about the super power comment! I definitely don't have the same opinion as you!

Monica said...

I like both sides, they each have their own character. But those striped fabrics on the front do have a wonderful qualty to them. Congratulations, this was quite an undertaking, and you kept up with this as well as finishing many others. I think you've had a banner year!

She Quilts It said...

I love your post about this quilt and the label. Don't you wish that everyone added labels to their quilts? said...

Monica, It was a banner year! I liked the striped fabrics too. Stripes seem to bring some unexpected fun to a project. I may need to play with stripes more in the future! Thanks!!! said...

Joanne, yes, labels are important on a quilt. So much documentation is lost without one on a quilt. I do understand how quilts are "finished" without a label in place!

Judith, Belfast said...

Well done on your Q4 finishes! Jxo said...

Jude, thanks so much for stopping by. This was a "sweet" finish. Thank you for your support of the FAL program!