Sunday, September 15, 2024

Off to the Quilter--Indigo Way--post 7

Clipping threads and repressing seams
This is a short post. Friday, I dropped Indigo Way off at the quilter's. This was goal number two on my September list.  I had planned to take a photo of the layers and a photo of it at the quilter's. . . .but, I did neither!!!

View after pressing and trimming
I did take some time to repress the top and remove errant threads. I did pick a star/patriotic patterns for the quilting and a medium blue thread as the quilting thread. I have no deadline. . .well, I need to finish it for the Clark County Quilter's guild show in March. The quilter, Christie, said I would have it back well before then. I do need to purchase binding fabric.

Our granddaughter and daughter flew home to London yesterday. The house is quiet and they are already missed.

Linking to Cynthia at Oh Scrap.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Continuing to Quilt Transparency--post 6


Circles and more circles--front
Goal four number on my September list was to continue quilting Transparency. I had a plan that I was going to work on my walking foot skills and quilt spirals. I failed. I tried numerous times. . .I failed each time. I was not able to turn the quilt smoothly enough to create a nice line. I will try again. Although, I will do a little research to see if I can learn some hacks/tips on how to make the spiral.

Circles and more circles--back 
I decided to try an all over design using the two circle template that was in the starter set I purchased years ago. I haven't stitched an all over design on my domestic machine. Trying a different style is good. I have quilted about half of the top. I used a variegated thread of purple, blue, pink and turquoise. 

I've been disappointed in my ability to keep the tension even. It seems like when I travel over a seam and apply pressure to move the fabric, it messes with the tension. The old me would be ripping it out. The current me is leaving it. I'm chalking it up to a learning experience. Perhaps, by the time I'm finished I'll have figured out how to make it work. Had I used the same thread in the needle and the bobbin, the tension issues would have been less prevalent. I'll remember that for another time. . .maybe!!

With my granddaughter here until Saturday, I haven't spent much time in the studio. If I can quilt a few minutes when she is sleeping, I call it a win. Truth be told, I've found myself sleeping when she is as following after a two and a half year old has exhausted me!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Swimming. . .No Quilting

Riding the tail of an Orca
From my previous post regarding our two and a half year old granddaughter, the orange spools have also become  "jabs" shots. She tells me that she is the doctor and then she gives me a jab! Or, it is a tongue depressor. She also has used it as a whistle and pen light. 

We've made deviled eggs together. She likes the white; but, not the yolk. She baked a chocolate zucchini cake. She delighted in licking the bowl. We've made many green salads and she has torn the lettuce and added the chopped ingredients. 

Mostly, she is running to and from activities. Friday, she and her mama had a photo session in the park for family pictures. It was a hot day, upper 90s. Yet, she still ran all over the park and went through two water bottles in an hour and a half! She loves going to the park and climbing on the apparatuses.

My friend. Wendy, has a swimming pool at her house. She invited us to come as often as we can and her schedule will allow. We've been three times.

Spinning on a noodle
She loves the water. She now will tell her mama to back up so she has more room to jump in the water from the side of the pool. Off the steps, she will act like a
beaver and do a sitting dive. She can easily glide five feet. She does not want to swim on her back. 

We have convinced her to lay still with the promise of getting to sit on one of the floats. She is particularly fond of the Orca and watermelon. 

When she tires of the float, she pushes herself off. When you bring her to the surface for a breath, she giggles and says "AGAIN!"

Retrieving a ball with her mama

She sleeps well after a pool session. She is somewhere between London and Oregon time. Although yesterday morning, she slept in until 6:30AM which is so much more pleasant than 3AM! 

I have quilted a little bit during a couple of her naps. Although, I will admit to taking a nap with her because I'm as tired as she is!

Linking to Cynthia at Oh Scrap!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Playing With A Two and Half Year Old

Stacking spools
Our youngest granddaughter and her mama (our daughter) are visiting from across the pond. They arrived Saturday. The youngest, Miss A, has had jet lag. She was up the first "morning'"at 1AM which would have been 9AM her time. The second morning, it was 2:30AM and the third morning it was 4AM. About the time she is acclimated, it will be time for her to get on the airplane and start over! She does ask where is the sun because she wants to go outside and it is dark!
Extended fingers

So. . .what does one do in the wee hours? I had a bag of empty spools and we've stacked them in a variety of ways. She delighted in knocking the stacks over. Yesterday morning, she placed the Aurifil spools on the ends of her fingers. Then, she paraded around moving her "extended" fingers and giggling. Yes, she was able to fit one spool on her thumb; but, it was uncomfortable. She removed the spool quickly!

Did you see the green spoon in the photo? She got into the baking drawer and she has had a field day with the measuring spoons and cups. The green 1/2 teaspoon measure accompanies her throughout the day. Yes, she has toys; but, she seems to prefer common household objects to entertain herself.

Playing with "paper dolls"
I showed her the magnetic dolls our older grands played with when they were younger. Miss A hasn't figured out how the pieces make an outfit; but, she does marvel over how the pieces will "stick" to the figure. There is a hat that is a favorite. I know this because it is a part of almost every outfit.

Wearing my sandals
If one leaves their shoes unattended, she will put them on and provide us with a fashion show walk/strut. I don't know how she manages to maintain her balance; but, she does! 

We've been cooking. She and her mama make scrambled eggs many mornings. She knows how to stir her eggs as they cook and she eats every bite of egg! Yesterday morning, we made French toast. We put syrup on part of it and peanut butter on the other part. (She loves peanut butter.) Interestingly, she took a piece of each and stuck them together like a sandwich before she ate the chunk with a fork! 

We've fed apples to the neighbors' horses and cow. She has been mesmerized by the cow's tongue. . .the length, how rough it is and the color. It is black. She will hold the apple at just the right angle for the cow to use his tongue to pull the apple into his mouth. She stands without movement as she watches him eat the apple and will ask, "Again?" after he finishes!

Naps are hard to wake up from as she tries to make her nap her night sleep. We feel for her. Tomorrow our friend, Wendy, has invited us to swim in her pool. It will be a fun day! Playing with my granddaughter was goal number 10 on my September list. I plan to keep playing; but, wanted the goal on my list so I documented some of what we did!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

August Recap and September Goals


All over motif for Transparency--front
My August goals were:

✔1. Begin quilting Transparency.
✔2, Work on the August Embroidery Software class.
✔3. Continue keeping up with the blocks for the 2024 temperature quilt. Today, I'll piece the block for yesterday and stitch the row to the top.
✔4. Begin the piecing for "The Women" book club quilt.
✔5. Stitch selvage squares in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. The color for August is orange.
6. Sew with Miss K should she be available.
✔7. Work on the challenge blocks. This will be a project that I can't share on this blog until there is a reveal in June 2025!
✔8. Document making the back of the 2022-2023 temperature quilt.
✔9. Work on Rita's temperature quilt. Now that I've figured out how to end the rows, it's time to make the top.

Motif view from the back
I did teach a Red Cross Water Safety Instructor program. There are a few more people at the facility who are certified to teach Red Cross lessons! Each of the new instructors have great skills. The participants are going to love them! 

I've started the August Embroidery Software class. I figure I will catch up with the classes in October. Unfortunately, Miss K's schedule was full so we weren't able to spend time stitching. My fingers are crossed that we will be able to do it this month!

All in all, I had a terrific month.

Almost ready to attach August
My September goals are:

1. Piece the Quilt of Valor blocks that I made last month into a top.
2. Press Indigo Way and remove all the threads from the
back of the quilt. Get it, the back and the batting to the quilter.
3. Keep up piecing the blocks for the 2024 temperature quilt.
4. Continue quilting Transparency.
5. Continue working on the challenge blocks.
6. Work on the September Embroidery Software class.
7. Stitch the selvage squares in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. 
8. Begin to embroider the legend of Rita's temperature quilt.
9. Sew with Miss K should she be available.
10. Play with the youngest granddaughter. . .she arrived August 31 and will be visiting for two weeks!

Linking to Frédérique atPatchwork and Quilt and Cynthia at Oh Scrap!