Sunday, September 29, 2024

Transparency--Finished---Post 8

Transparency is FINISHED. . .binding, sleeve and label are attached. I like the zing of the bright green binding. It electrifies the project and says HAPPY! Hey, I'm happy with the finish. It is smoking because I finished it this morning!

The label came from Kerr and Wingle. The format was part of the final clue. I placed a printed version of the format on my light box and traced around the graphic parts that related to the mystery. I added my pertinent information to the right side of the label. I used fabric marking pens like micron to ink the areas.

Quilting on the back 
I like the texture of the circle quilting. I don't know that I'll do that again as it was boring to keep making the same shape over and over. It took time too! I do like the pieced back. It is like a quilt in itself so I suppose this could be a two sided quilt!

View of the back
It took me about 80 hours to complete this project. I used about eight yards of fabric from my stash to complete it. This brings my total for the year to 0 yards as I have purchased 28 yards of fabric since my no shopping ban! I do have two quilts at the quilter so in time, I'll be able to report more usage in time. Although, I anticipate purchases in my future for three upcoming projects!! It is my fifth finish for the year.

Finished front
Linking to Alycia at Finished or Not Friday, Frédérique at Quilting and Patchwork and Cynthia at Oh Scrap!

1 comment:

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Wow, beautiful finish Terry, I love it! Love the label too. The large circles look great, and it's fun to have a reversible quilt ;) Thank you for sharing your fifth finish for the year!