Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Rainbow Scrap Challenge

My plan yesterday was to make the squares for the color of the month which is dark for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. All was going according to plan until we lost power. 

Fabric line names
Turns out the internet company cut our power line while providing an internet line to a neighbor. We were the only ones affected. At first the power company said we'd have power in 1.5 hours. Then it was that we would have power by 3:30pm; then it was 6:30pm and the final estimate was 9:30pm. The power returned about 10pm.

More fabric lines
While I was able to glue the strips together it will be another day or so before I can stitch the squares. I also cut some pieces for a special back that I'm piecing for our challenge quilt. Other than that, I spent the day reading. . .until it was too dark to see! 

We weren't able to leave for a few hours because the power company had to excavate the power lines which run across the drive way. They excavated a ditch to access the power line. I'm glad we had leftovers that were okay to be eaten cold! We were without power for 12 hours. I understand that we are on the list to have the underground power lines updated. These have been in place since the mid 1970s.

A few more fabric lines
This was goal number number seven on my September list. It won't take long to stitch the strips together so I'm calling it goal met! Linking to Angela at So Scrappy.


Janice Smith said...

What an unusual, unfortunate day! I’m glad your power is finally back on. :-)

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It's too bad that happened and changed your plans for the day! But at least you were able to get the first step taken care of. I always enjoy seeing what kind of selvages you pull out for each month's color!