Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Continuing to Quilt Transparency--post 6


Circles and more circles--front
Goal four number on my September list was to continue quilting Transparency. I had a plan that I was going to work on my walking foot skills and quilt spirals. I failed. I tried numerous times. . .I failed each time. I was not able to turn the quilt smoothly enough to create a nice line. I will try again. Although, I will do a little research to see if I can learn some hacks/tips on how to make the spiral.

Circles and more circles--back 
I decided to try an all over design using the two circle template that was in the starter set I purchased years ago. I haven't stitched an all over design on my domestic machine. Trying a different style is good. I have quilted about half of the top. I used a variegated thread of purple, blue, pink and turquoise. 

I've been disappointed in my ability to keep the tension even. It seems like when I travel over a seam and apply pressure to move the fabric, it messes with the tension. The old me would be ripping it out. The current me is leaving it. I'm chalking it up to a learning experience. Perhaps, by the time I'm finished I'll have figured out how to make it work. Had I used the same thread in the needle and the bobbin, the tension issues would have been less prevalent. I'll remember that for another time. . .maybe!!

With my granddaughter here until Saturday, I haven't spent much time in the studio. If I can quilt a few minutes when she is sleeping, I call it a win. Truth be told, I've found myself sleeping when she is as following after a two and a half year old has exhausted me!


Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Leave it ;-) those circles are so perfect!! love them!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your quilting looks gorgeous, Terry. It is good to challenge ourselves to learn new things. I think sometimes we are our own worst critics. I am not a machine quilter but love seeing the work and all of the intricate quilting details that can be created. I look forward to following your progress on Transparency. Hugs

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I like your circle quilting design! I always find it easier to do an edge to edge or all over design rather than anything customized to the quilt. Hope you've continued to have fun with your granddaughter!

Nancy said...

Your circles look great! I can't wait to see the overall effect when the quilting is done! I don't take out my quilting mistakes, either, unless they affect the integrity of the quilt. There's too much more quilting I need to do! I almost always use the same thread top and bottom. It's so much easier!