Sunday, September 22, 2024

#3 Quilt of Valor is a Top!--post 2

Stitching blocks into rows
Goal number one on my September list was to piece the Quilt of Valor blocks I had made last month into a top. I did! This is a pattern that is available on Alycia's of the Quilty Girl blog Etsy site. It didn't take too long to stitch the blocks into rows and then join the rows into the top.

I had no stitching errors. . .meaning I didn't turn a block a way that wasn't listed in the pattern! I delighted in sewing the victory lap. This is when I stitch an 1/8 inch around the perimeter of the quilt so that when the project is quilted the seams will remain stitched! The top measurers 60 inches wide by 70 inches long.

Sleeve and two bindings
Last Wednesday, I shopped a sale at one of my local quilt shops and purchased fabric for backing and binding. I purchased 12 and a quarter yard of fabrics. This brings the total fabric purchased since February and my fabric ban to 28 yards. I'm back to being negative in fabric used from my stash. The number is -8 yards. I have some finishes in the works so I'll be reversing that negative number soon!

Batting, backing and top
The backing is pieced. The batting cut. The sleeve is prepared. The binding for this quilt and Indigo Way are prepared. I will be quilting this project by checkbook too! I have too many projects waiting to be quilted so I've decided for now, paying will help me get the pile quilted and free up room in the studio!

Finished top
Linking to Alycia at Finished or Not Friday; Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilting and Cynthia at Oh Scrap.

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