Sunday, January 21, 2024

Selvege Squares in the RSC Color--Green-post 2

Goal number five on my January list was to at least piece a few selvages in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) color of the month. This month the color is green. Anyone can participate in this challenge. If you are interested, visit Angela at SoScrappy for more information.

Close up of selvages
Basically, Angela picks a color for the month and you make blocks. . .whatever block you want or whatever blocks you want in whatever amount you want. She lists colors for ten months and then you stitch your blocks into tops and quilts. So far, I've made a top and blocks; but, I have yet to finish a quilt!

Close up of a second group of selvages
On Saturdays, Angela provides a link up. I enjoy visiting and seeing what other people are stitching. It's a good way to be inspired while I'm enjoy my cuppa!

Close up of a third group of selvages
I've been saving selvages for years. What made me decide to use selvages as my fabric scraps this year was because the scraps were outgrowing the container! If you want to see my technique for piecing the selvages, I wrote a post in December about my process.

First set of squares
I like reading the selvages. Sometimes there are cute symbols representing the colors used in printing the fabric. Often there is an interesting name for the fabric.

Second set of squares
This month, I made enough four inch squares for three blocks. I thought I had more green selvages than I did! I also selected selvages that were also printed in green. I repeated the orientation of the selvages four times so my squares have some consistency.

Third set of squares

This month, I had also planned to audition backgrounds so I could actually stitch the blocks. This was goal number four on my January list. Instead, I've decided to make squares over many months. I'll audition backgrounds when I've more fabric colors. 

Three sets of green squares.
This might be a several year project so I'm in no hurry finding a background. I'm linking up with Cynthia at Oh Scrap Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework and Angela at SoScrappy Saturday.

1 comment:

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I like reading selvages, too! I found one the other day with a Vincent VanGogh quote about the stars on it. Your selvage block idea for an RSC quilt is such a fun one, Terry! I'll enjoy watching as you share your blocks this year!