Wednesday, January 10, 2024

A Sunflower Block and Greeting Cards

Last week, I made a four inch sunflower block for the outgoing President of the Mt. Hood guild. February is the last meeting of her year. In addition to quilting and longarming as a business, she is a gardener who loves sunflowers. The directions were to use a yellow fabric with a dark center with white to separate the petals.

Four inch Sunflower block
I mailed it to the guild and heard Monday that it had arrived and would be delivered to the President at the February meeting. While stitching it, I wondered if it would make a good block to stitch when I have little bits laying about. . .hm m m . . . .Gertie, my inner squirrel thinks it is a grand idea and wants to make a plan. I am not sure! Making the block was goal number 15 on my January list.

Making a Valentine card
Sunday, my friend Theresa and I went to a greeting card make and take session.  Lorie, who was my supervisor before she retired from nursing at the hospital, started this group to stay in touch with co-workers. There are people who have retired as well as some who are still working. 

Valentine card
We play from 11am to 2pm one Sunday a month for about seven months of the year. I haven't gone since before COVID; but decided to give it a whirl in December. It was a fun activity to share with my friend Theresa. 

Sentiment inside of Valentine card
Lorie brings supplies and samples for at least three cards. There can be 15-20 ladies in attendance and there is ALWAYS laughter and conversation. It is a great way to catch up. The fee to make a card is two dollars. I like to have a few cards on hand to send to special people throughout the year. 

Birthday and thank you card--inside was blank
The last two months, Lorie has also brought a small box of leftovers and challenged Theresa and I to make a couple cards from the scraps. I'll admit, I do have fun playing with the scraps! 

Cards made from scraps
Next time I'm participating, I'll try to remember to take more photos of the process. I only managed one this time. I was too busy playing!

Inside of one scrap card
Going to the get together and making cards was goal number 16 on my January list. It was nice to catch up with my friend Theresa and it is always good to get in a visit with Lorie. 
Inside of second scrap card


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's a neat sunflower block! I can see a whole quilt out of those. Looks like it's fun to play with paper scraps, and what a nice way to get together with former co-workers, too!

Theresa Ann - Your Wellness Friend said...

I love the yellow shimmer in the sunflower block. Thank you for the invite to share your card fun & friends! :) ~t