Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Fourth Quarter ReCap; First Quarter 2022 Goals

2021 empty spools
Below was my plan for the last quarter of the year 2021.

✔1. Finish gluing the butterfly pieces.

✔2. Finish the tea quilt.

✔3. Finish the tree skirt.

4. Finish Frolic.

5. Finish the heart wall hanging.

6. Help Miss J get her churn dash to a top.

✔7. Finish the log cabin.

8. Finish a hand embroidery project.

Hand stitching the binding in process
✔9. Get the string quilt I started last January to the a top.

✔10. Finish the charity baby quilt

11.  Finish the Lone Star.

✔12. Finish the fourth flannel top from Martha's scraps.

✔13. Stitch four to six gifts before the year ends.

Eight finishes, progress on three other goals. . .that is a win in my book! I realized last quarter that it is helpful to have fewer goals on my quarter list. It is helpful to use my monthly list as a way to divide a project into chucks to finish during the quarter. I'm going to try that approach this year. I also found having one project to highlight each month helped with the finishing process too. I met all 12 of my monthly goals this year!

Heart wallhanging parts & fabrics for the Lone Star back
In 2021, I used up 29 spools of thread. In 2020 when I first documented my spools, I used 19! 

I read about 50 books. A friend introduced me to audio books last  November. I've listened to four books. I didn't think I'd like audiobooks, but, I do! In no particular order, I'm listing the six books that I enjoyed the most last year below:

The Gentleman of Moscow/Amor Towles

Meet Me At the Museum/Anne Youngson

When We Were Young and Brave/Hazel Gaynor

Borders for Churn Dash Quilt
Salt--A World History/Mark Kurlanksy

Ship of Gold in the Deep Blue Sea/Gary Kinder

The Dressmaker of Khair Khana/Gayle Lemmon

What was your favorite read this year? Please leave your pick or two in the comments section.

My First Quarter goals are:

1. Finish Frolic. --I'm hand stitching the binding and have decided that I will add a sleeve so I'll still be at this project for a while. The end is in sight and I'll stitch two to three lengths of thread each evening until the project is finished! 

2. Finish the heart wall hanging project. I didn't even look at it last quarter. Likely, I'll tackle it in February.

Embroidery project
3. Help Miss J finish her Churn Dash project. Had she not come down with a nasty cold and had we not had some snow and icy weather on the days we had planned to stitch, she would have completed her top last month.

She has one more border to sew and the back to piece before she can quilt it. We are edging toward a finish! She has prepared her binding!

Finish String of Lightening
4. Fully finish the hand embroidery project. Last month, I completed the stitching. I need to look for a frame. I am inspired by Janice over at A Positive Outlook. The cross stitch bug has bitten Janice and she has the cutest ideas for fully finishing her work. Now that the holidays are behind us, I'll do a little shopping for a method of displaying the work.

5. Finish the Lone Star. I thought that I would piece the back and get it sandwiched last month; but that didn't happen!

6. Finish the String of Lightening quilt. I've started the quilting process.

Blocks for two flannel baby quilts
7. Finish two flannel baby quilts. Last December, I purchased additional flannels to go with my scraps and began piecing the project. These will be for my newest granddaughter who is scheduled to arrive in March.

8. Make progress on the Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks for 2022. I've selected a block that I will stitch in two sizes.

9. Make progress on the Temperature quilt for 2022. Last December, I determined the pattern I want to try. I ordered the hand dyed fabrics and the materials I need to English Paper Piece the project. I still need to purchase the background fabric and the fabrics that I plan to use for the third side of the cube. 

10. Document the Thread Tales Quilts that I stitched in 2009 and 2010. There are four quilts during this time period. 


Anne-Marie said...

Great progress! And that's a lot of finished thread!

Nicole Knott said...

Quite a few projects there - think the baby blankets are going to be well received and well loved!