Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Second Border in Place on Temperature Quilt

2022-2023 Temperature quilt progress
 I took a photo after I had appliquéd the other side of the border to my 2022-2023 temperature quilt. On this side, I pinned the triangles in place rather than using glue to tack them in place. 

Pinning made it easier to stitch the points. Taking them into place was great because I had no pins for my threads to catch. In the end, I'd report either way was a good method.

Next month, my plan is to cut, mark and place at least one border in place. Since there are no points involved, I may stitch that side faster than I stitched the other two borders. Two more borders and I will have a finished top!

This was goal number one on my May list. I'm linking up to To-Do Tuesday with Gail who blogs at Quilt Schmilt and Alycia Finished or Not Friday.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That is looking great, Terry! I love that shade of purple for your borders, and because it matches your outside triangles, it gives shape to the edges of the temperature blocks. Good luck with your next step!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your temperature quilt is looking amazing, Terry. You are doing a fabulous job at appliqueing the border.The colors just pop in this quilt. I look forward to seeing the finish. Happy quilting. Hugs.