I was the winner of some scraps this month. I am going to have so much fun playing with these chunks! I especially am taken with the animal print laying on the top of the pile. I actually met Sally who writes "
The Objects of Design" blog. We were sitting together at a table taking in quilts for the quilt show. In between drop offs, we chatted. She said she wrote a blog. . .that was a couple years before COVID and I've followed her ever since!
I laugh at the antics of her quilt supervisors, Molly and Buddy. Her humor and projects using scraps inspire me with each post! This month, she drew my name to be the recipient of some scraps that she was ready to part with. I am feeling so fortunate! Thank you, Sally!!
Scraps, beautiful scraps |
Regarding the embroidery software progress:
I thought that while I was in the first stage of my knee recovery I would be spending time catching up with my embroidery software lessons. To recap: at the end of January, I put aside the software lessons to work on my quilt show entries. At that point, I had a few minutes left of the additional January module to finish.
Unfortunately, the position I needed for my knee didn't allow me to work on the software lessons until this month when I could again sit in my recliner chair. Getting back into the swing of the software program took some time too. Goodness, I forgot a lot in a few months!!! As I was reacquainting myself with that January lesson, I found that I had made an error early in that last lesson. It was easier to start the lesson from the beginning.
Bonus January lesson |
It took time; but, repeating the exercise was a good review. Then, I began the February lesson. Shelly, our instructor, had posted a number of videos that were an overview of various keys/tabs in the software. I looked at those first and then launched into the lesson.
February lesson |
It was a fun lesson. I like that the modules are around 15 minutes in length. I like being able to stop the video, rewind and replay it again. This is the class that I needed to orient me to my software and I've only completed the first two lessons!
Goal number three of my May list was to complete the February, March, April and May software lessons. I likely won't get caught up this month; but, I am making progress. At some point, I will stitch out the lessons; but, for now, I'll concentrate on learning the information in the lessons.
If you need/want more of the animal squares fabric, Molly estimates we have 3 miles of it, plus or minus a mile. Thanks for the kind comments!
Congratulations on your win! Some new and interesting scraps are always fun. I enjoy Sally's blog, too. Hooray for getting back to your embroidery software lessons, too! Looks like you can make some fun designs.
Woo Hoo and Congratulations on the win! I do find the animal fabric delightful as well. I look forward to seeing what you make with it. It is so wonderful that you have been learning the embroidery software and very nice that it is in 15 minute increments. I hope you enjoy every moment of learning something new. Have an awesome day, Terry.Hugs.
Progress is good even if it slow. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Enjoy your scraps. I know you will put them to good use.
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