Sunday, November 5, 2023

Making the Back for Rainbow Strings

Mixing the wet ingredients into the dry
Miss K had a day off from school and she knew just how to spend it . . .in Gran's studio, quilting. Even better, she arrived late afternoon so we could have an overnight! The best part of her weekend came when we measured her height. She is now 59 1/2 inches tall and no longer needs to sit in a car seat. She repeated "freedom" over and over!

Her first request was to bake mug cupcakes. While those cooled, we worked on piecing the back for Miss K's Rainbow Strings top.

We pressed the fabric with the large dots. Miss K carefully pressed the yardage flat without one crease! She even offered to press some of my yardage that I had prewashed and hadn't ironed yet! I showed her how to trim away the selvages.

We laid out the fabric and while we knew we needed more, we found that we liked the combination of the small dot fabric with a strip of maroon best. We cut lengths of the fabric for the back. She pinned one long seam. We started piecing the back the following morning. 

One scone ready to eat

In the morning, we made scones. Actually, she made them using a new to us recipe. The recipe came from the book, "The Kitchen Front" by Jennifer Ryan. The book is about four women from England who enter a cooking contest during World War II. The recipes that they use have to follow the war time food rations.

Miss K thought that it would be hard to cook when you were regulated to how much sugar, oil, eggs and meat each person could purchase in a week. She also thought it was crazy that people had to use coupon books to purchase those items.

Pinning the seams
After breakfast, we started sewing. This time, Miss K sewed straight and true quarter inch seams. We took a lot of breaks because sewing such a long seam feels like forever.

Checking the quilt dimensions
At one break, she wanted to check if the quilt was going to cover her body. Miss K stretched her body onto the back in progress to check. Yes, the size was good. Actually, according to her, it was great because it contained growing room!

The finished back
Slowly, the back came together. Just in time too because Miss K wanted to put the pack and play together for her cousin Miss A who is coming to visit with her parents in a couple of weeks. Miss K and her papa quickly assembled the park and play together When not in use, it can be dismantled and folded away into a canvas like sack.

Pack and play ready for action
Then they played cribbage. It was a fun day for all of us. On her next visit, we will pin baste her quilt. Writing this post was goal number six on my November list. I'm linking to Cynthia at Oh Scrap/Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework. Pour yourself a cuppa and go visit to see what other projects people are stitching!


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Sounds like such a fun visit with Miss K! I'm amazed at her height, and still sitting in a car seat - that guideline has really changed from years ago. Looks like she is really learning to cook and sew. That's going to be a beautiful quilt - front and back!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Such a wonderful visit with Miss K! Miss K is a lot of help not only in the kitchen but in the quilting room as well. I know you are quite proud of her and all of your grandbabes.Have a wonderful week, Terry. Hugs.