Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Squaring a Back

For the longest time when I pieced a back, I thought that I stitched a "square" back. I had trimmed the cut edge and trimmed the selvages away before I pieced the back.

In reality, I didn't know the back wasn't square. My friend, Alvera showed me how to square the back when I had my early longarm lessons. I had heard longarmers talk about how square backs made rolling the back onto the longarm so much easier. The first couple quilts that I quilted on the longarm, Alvera mentioned how nice the back was; but, I didn't notice. There were so much to be aware of doing that a square back didn't meant much to me until I tried to roll a back that was out of square on the longarm. Then, I had that aha moment!!!

Step one
Step one of squaring the back. Fold in half. Smooth the fabric. 

Step two: fold fabric in half again
Step two:
Fold in half again. Take care to align the folds and smooth the layers.

Step three: align the bottom fold with a line on the mat
Step three:
Slide a cutting mat under the fabric and align the bottom fold with a line on the cutting mat.

Step four: Aligning bottom edge of ruler
Step four:
Look at the edges. Align the bottom edge of the ruler with the bottom edge of the fold on the loose edges side of the fabric. 
Check to ensure you will trim all four layers
Ensure that when you cut, you ONLY trim all the outer edges. You may need additional rulers to reach to the other end of the fabric. Trim.

Use the cutting mat to move the fabric
Step five:
Repeat the process for the other edge. If the fabric is longer than my cutting surface, I'll gently fold the fabric on the cutting mat and turn the mat so I can access a long edge. I'll again smooth the layers before I position the ruler and trim.

Checking the edges
Before you trim, check the layers to ensure you will trim all the edges. In the photo above, the shortest layer is on the bottom. Sometimes, the shortest layer will be in the middle. Sometimes, it will be on the top!

Trimming the layers
Notice in the photo above, that the bottom edge of the ruler lines up perfectly with the folded edge of the fabric.

The trimmed waste
It doesn't take long to square a back. It is worth the effort. There was little waste. 

Writing and publishing this post was goal number six on my October list.


Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Oh how interesting, Terry. Thank you so much for sharing the steps on how to square the backing. You make it look very simple. Have a great day. Hugs.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

YESSS--square backs make such a difference when loading a longarm!!! Thanks for sharing this info, Terry!!!