Sunday, October 8, 2023

Paper Pieced Christmas Stocking

Inspiration for the stocking
Goal number two on my October list was to stitch write and publish a post about the Christmas stocking that I finished at the end of last month. In the November/December 2015 edition of Quilt Maker magazine was a page of Christmas stockings. Originally, I had planned to strip piece a stocking; but, I thought the recipient might like the stars and tree blocks better. That was my reasoning as to why I selected that option to stitch! 

Determining if there were enough scraps
Perusing scraps, I found a bag of scraps that were the leftovers from a tree skirt I had made my oldest daughter years ago. I decided I would start with those. I thought the snowflake fabric with the green background could represent snow covered trees.

Tiny paper pieced stars 
First, I determined that there were enough red scraps to complete the red background and that there were enough scraps of the green print for the trees and stocking back. I would need to piece the backing; but, that wasn't an issue. I scrounged through my drawer of "chunks" and found a green stripe to use for the lining. Then I looked for a dark blue scrap for the sky. I had a small scrap/chunk. To be sure the piece was large enough, I drew the shapes on the fabric. If I was careful, I could make it work!

Pieced, layered and ready for quilting
I cut all the large rectangles. I began paper piecing the stars. Because I dislike tearing away the paper, I don't sew through the paper when I paper piece. I fold the template back on the lines, align the fabric edges right sides together and stitch next to the fold. I press the fabric and trim. I searched You Tube and found a tutorial which will give you an idea of how to paperless paper piece! 

Close up of quilting 
I used metallic thread to quilt more stars in the blue background. Otherwise, I mostly used a thread that blended to quilt the other areas of the stocking. The quilting provides texture.

Finished back
It took me about five hours to piece, quilt and construct this stocking. I like it. I took a photo of all three stockings together. Together, they make a nice grouping.

Finished front

I used about one and a quarter yards of fabric in this project. I bought eight yards of fabric so my total amount used from stash is 13 and three quarters yards of fabric. 

Family of stockings

I'm linking to Cynthia and Oh Scrap/Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework since all the fabric used was scraps!


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's a beautiful stocking, Terry! I love the wonky stars and trees. I've heard about that kind of paper-piecing, but never tried it. Thanks for linking to the tutorial! I read your last post about squaring up backings, and it gave me a lot to think about, too. Have a great Sunday!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

What an adorable Christmas stocking, Terry!!! Love the gold thread star quilting, too--nice added touch!!! I also like the no-paper-tearing method of PPing--so precise and no mess afterwards!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your stocking is beautiful, Terry . Great idea on using the star blocks and trees. Great layout of the blocks as well. Did you create your own stocking template? I am intrigued about the no paper piecing method. I have never tried that. Happy quilting, my friend.