Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Mesh Grocery Bag--First Finish 1st Quarter 2019 FAL

Bag ready for top stitching
A few days ago, I stitched my first mesh grocery bag. I decided that before too many more days passed, I would stitch another so I could apply what I learned from my first experience to my second! This time, I cut the top bands at 3 1/2 inches. I cut four pockets--two at 9x15 inches and one at 9x12 inches.  I had a little piece of fabric left so I cut another pocket at 9x10 inches. The pattern directions were to cut one at 9x15 inches and the other pocket at 9x12 inches.

Finished bag
This time I applied fusible stabilizer to all the fabric pieces. The stitching result was better. It was easier to stitch the top band to the bag. For the next bag, I will cut the band at the recommended three inches. After I topstitched the top edge of the pockets, I layered two together and basted a quarter inch around the edges. Next time, I would baste the bottom at 1/2 inch so it would be easier to place under the lower edge of the bottom fabric piece. I also stitched a center line to divide the outer smaller pocket on one pair of pockets into two sections.
Gail and Connie with their mesh tote bags

I still had some stretching with the top bands. There really is no way to be able to stitch those with the fabric side down. The bottom fabric also stretched a bit; but so much less than without the stabilizer. It worked to stitch the side seams at 1/8 inch and then again at 1/4 inch. It was also wise to use a shorter stitch so that when I cut out the squares at the bag bottom to make the box corners, the seam didn't unstitch as much.

I have enough mesh to make at least seven more bags. I wish I could remember why I thought mesh bags were such a good deal! Actually, I thought that this was the soft type of mesh that is used in accessory bags. Perhaps, I will make a few to see if they will sell at the guild bazaar.

I used 3/4 yard of fabric. I have 56 1/4 yards to meet my goal of using 57 1/2 yards from my stash this year. This was goal number 16 on my First Quarter FAL list and my first finish for the quarter.

This project and the previous grocery tote I gifted yesterday. I had a stitching day with Gail and Connie. It is good to have stitching days with friends. I am fortunate to have some special stitching friends. Gail and I worked together years ago. One day at work I discovered that she was a fellow quilter! I liked her even more after I learned that fact! I met Connie through Gail. She finished 25 projects last year and started 40 new ones! She is so resourceful. I always learn cool tips from her. We had a fun day sharing what we have completed, what we are working on and what we are planning to work on! Life is GREAT!!!


Janice Smith said...

Your mesh shopping bags are great! I keep a few purchased grocery bags in my car, but hardly ever remember to bring them inside the store!!! :-()

It is wonderful to have friends who share an interest in quilting. said...

Thanks, Janice. I thought that they mesh bags would be great for taking supplies to and from classes too. Friends are so important! It is wonderful to have special ones who quilt too! :)