#1. Use these jeans for the guild challenge
I'm excited. Of the 12 projects that I listed for the first quarter, I completed nine!! I'm excited that nine photos will not be carried over into the list this quarter!
#2-#3. Embroider and embellish these aprons |
Last quarter, as I thought about starting a new project, I would gather the pattern and the supplies. These items I would place in my "project" tub. I've found that I make better progress when I have the supplies for that project together. I also found that I make better progress when I have a selection of projects to choose from when I'm ready to move to the next one or when I need to take a creative break from a project. That tub is filled with plenty of projects to stitch over this next quarter!
Sandwiching simple, short term projects between projects that take more time and effort also works well for me. I have found that changing up projects helps detour potential quilter's block. Also, since I am using supplies rather than adding to my supplies, I'm beginning to have more space in my studio. Space is freeing!
This quarter, I'm planning to finish these projects:
#4. Finish this wall hanging |
#1.-- Stitch the jeans into a wall hanging for the guild challenge. The challenge is to use only recycled denim in the top. I had some ideas and started this project last quarter.
#2-#3.-- Embroider and embellish these two aprons for the grands. I worked on each last quarter; but, didn't quite make it to the finish.
#4.-- Finish this little wall hanging of practicing insetting circles. Perhaps, this would be a good place to try out the idea that I want to use for my truck project!
#5. Quilt this truck |
#5.--Add borders, layer and quilt this truck. I've selected some fabrics for the borders. I have an idea of finishing the quilt differently and have been thinking about how to accomplish my idea. I plan to practice the idea on goal #4!
#6.-#7. Make two activity bags for the grands
#6 and #7.--Make two activity bags for the grands. I joined a bag of the month club--I figured if I joined the club; I actually might get some bags sewn. After all, there is a monthly meeting that is a lecture class of tips and techniques to make the process more fun. I figure it is also a great way to reduce the number of fat quarters I have on hand! Although, after buying zippers and special batting and a pattern, it is costing me quite a bit to use the fat quarter! That's okay. Perhaps, I'll have a bunch of gifts completed for Christmas . . .early!
#8. Make a skirt out of this denim fabric |
#8.-- Stitch this denim skirt for the grand that likes butterflies so much. If I don't get to this project this quarter, she will have grown too tall for the skirt! The other day, I saw a gored skirt pattern online that might be a better pattern choice because I could use some recycled denim to stitch some of the panels and the skirt has an elastic waistline which would be better for the grand that hasn't developed much of a waist yet!
#9. Stitch a dress with this fabric |
#9.-- Stitch a dress out of this gingham fabric for the grand that likes dress that you can twirl and swish the skirt! I found a dress pattern. I imagine there will be some piecing needed. I picked the fabrics up from the free table at a guild meeting last Spring thinking that I would play with some
chicken scratch. Then, I decided, sewing a garment would be a faster use of the fabric!
#10. Get this piece to the finish line |
#10.--- Finish this small piece. I'm still thinking about adding some piecing a la
Jean Wells. Since my class with
Joen Wolfrom regarding color, I feel like I may have enough tools in my tool chest to choose some corresponding fabrics that will work with the applique that I started! I want to use fabrics from my stash. My fingers are crossed that what I have will work since I'm trying to have a net loss of 50 yards from my stash this year!
#11. Make potholders |
#12. Finish the crayon doodle |
#11.-- Make a few pot holders. . . .years ago, the oldest daughter kitted some fabrics together in a shoe box for this project. It's time to get that box out and start stitching!!! I plan to make four pot holders and then reassess as to how many more pot holders could be stitched!
#13. Three pillow cases to be stitched
#13. One pillow case |
#12.-- Finish the crayon doodle. This is artwork from the youngest grand that I decided to preserve. We started it last quarter. I plan to add some embroidery to the piece.
#14. Make four tea towels |
#13.-- Stitch 4 pillowcases. The photo with the three pillow cases will be used to store quilts. The photo with the one pillow case will be donated. I think I need to find a little more fabric to be able to get the donated pillow case stitched!
#14.-- Last fall, I picked up some fabrics, embellishments and tea towels to turn into gifts for Christmas. This quarter I want to make four of them!
#15.-#16-- I'm thinking the grands might want a dress or top for summer and this pattern would be fun to stitch. Maybe they will help sew their garments?
#15 and #16 Clothing for the grands |
#17. --For Christmas, I received this placemat kit. The chicken pattern is cute. It is time to stitch it up!!
#17. Chicken placemat kit |
#18. Stitch a second selvage tote |
#18.--Last quarter, I made a tote with these fabrics and selvages. I had planned to add a pocket to the back of the tote; but, didn't because I would have sewn over my inside pockets. I'd like to make another tote and put that pocket to good use! I'm not sure that I have enough of the rust. . . .but, I guess that is part of the journey to choose a fabric that will mix or another one all together!! Perhaps, I can use the lining fabric from the last tote to make the pockets. I will need to select a coordinating fabric for the lining.
#19.--Stitch this panel "Artist Smock" for an apron for a grand to wear while visiting.
#20.--Stitch this hot pad and get back on track with playing along with JoJo at Through My Hands.
#19. Artist smock project |
#21.--Stitch two black swimsuits. The one that I stitched at the end of the fourth quarter in 2017 is ready for retirement. I have a number of fun suits in the drawer; but, for teaching lessons, the instructor uniform is a black swim suit.
#22. Play with a mosaic design that
Cheryl Lynch shared on a recent episode of
The Quilt Show.
This is an extensive and exuberant list. I know:
I won't finish all the projects.
I may get sidetracked along the way and start a new project. I'm okay with taking an off road adventure as part of my quilting journey.
It is important to always enjoy the ride!
#20. Stitch this hot pad |
#21. Stitch two swimsuits |
#22. Play with this bicycle pattern |