Sunday, September 24, 2023

Christmas Stocking Repair, a Backing and a Finished Top

Supplies and the project
Soon after our daughters' births, my husband's grandmother (Doris McIntyre) knitted each of them a stocking which included their name. Now that our youngest daughter has a daughter of her own, it's time she hung her stocking in her own home. It's been waiting for a repair of the embellishments since last Christmas. She and her family are headed to our house for Thanksgiving so I no longer could procrastinate on making the repairs!

An area in need of repair
When I looked closely at the spaces in need of repair. I noted that every several beads, Doris had knotted the thread. The thread was ordinary sewing thread. To hold the sequins in place, she had inserted a bead in the center of each sequin. First, I searched YouTube for a tutorial on how to repair sequins on a knitted stocking. I found a helpful tutorial. In my stash, I have some Doris' beads. I even have a few of my friend Martha's sequins.

Another area in need of repair
In Martha's stash, I was able to select enough sequins. Unfortunately, I needed to buy beads. The match isn't perfect; but, it is close enough. The stocking is almost 39 years old! That I had any supplies which worked was miraculous! 

Repaired front
I spent a long evening making the repairs. accessing the beads in the beard area was tough. I marveled at how my husband's grandmother added all those sequins and beads as there are no side seams in the sock! Perhaps, she beaded as she knitted. 

Repaired back
Now the sock is ready for many more holidays. This was goal number one on my September list. It wasn't an awful a task as I had anticipated. I spent almost nine dollars on the beads! I enjoyed beading. Perhaps, I'll add them to future projects.

Completed back for Positively Grows top
I also stitched together the back for the Positively Grows quilt. I had also thought that I would prepare the binding; but, decided that I would wait until after it was quilted before I picked the binding. Making the back was goal number two on my September list. The two fabrics had been in my stash a long time. . .like at least a decade! I'm happy to have found a use for both of them! 

Finished top started last week
The house top that I blogged about last week, I finished. Thanks to Melisa over at Pinker n Punkin Quilting and Stitching, this project will be called Happy Homes. She said I had some Happy Homes in a comment, Happy Homes sounded liked a terrific name for the project! The top measurers about 67 inches by 70 inches. After I quilt about three projects, I'll figure out a backing.

I put away the scraps that littered every surface. The blue, black and yellow quart zip lock bags are overflowing; but, all the other bags are flat and ready for filling! I can close the lid of my "pre cuts" container without having to compress the contents! 

No yardage was cut in making this top. Martha who made many scrappy tops, would be impressed. If she were here, she would have liked the addition of the purple bonus pinwheels since purple was her favorite color. I like that I was able to sneak in three star blocks from the parts department.

Paper piecing stars for a Christmas stocking
Friday evening I began paper piecing blocks for a Christmas stocking. Again, I used scraps. The large star is three inches finished. The small stars are two inches finished. I plan to finish the stocking later today. I'm linking to Cynthia and Oh Scrap/Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework. Next week, I want to make even more progress on my September list as I did this week!


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Sounds like you figured out the stocking repairs pretty easily, Terry! I love your Happy Homes top, too, and that is definitely the perfect name for it. I bet your friend Martha would be very pleased with it!

Bonnie said...

Great job on the stocking repair. I still have some sequined Christmas pins my mom made and probably some of her beads too. I'm trying hard not to get into beading anything unless it is part of a kit -- something I don't buy often. I might be safe. Your houses look fabulous! Great job.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Happy Tuesday, Terry. What a wonderful job you did on repairing and rebeading the stocking. What a treasure to have this stocking in the family. Oh I am so touched that you named your quilt Happy Homes. It is befitting. Happy Homes is certainly a beauty. It would be a delight to live in any of those sweet houses. Have a wonderful week and happy quilting.

Rebecca Grace said...

Oh how wonderful -- I love the beads and sequin details and Christmas is just around the corner! I've been saying for about a decade that I want to make new Christmas stockings but I am never thinking about it until we're hanging up the old ones and then they are forgotten about again at the end of the holiday rush! Good for you, thinking about and taking care of these now.