Kitted fabric for blocks |
Being away for three months meant that I had a lot of catching up to do. Note: I still have a lot of catching up to do; but I'm making progress! Near the top of my list was to piece the Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) blocks for April (pink), May (sage and forest green), June (blue) and July (purple.)
Before I left, I cut all the background pieces. I wonder clipped the amount needed for one block together. Once home and over several afternoons, I sorted my scraps and cut all the colored fabrics.
April and May blocks |
This was a challenging exercise because while I have lots of scraps, I often don't have the amount that I think that I need in the color that Angela at
So Scrappy picks each month. For the blocks that I chose to make for the RSC this year, it is better that my fabrics read tonal. Unfortunately, sometimes I "get" to use a print or a lighter/darker value of the monthly fabric to have enough fabric to stitch a block.
June and July blocks |
The good news is that I am reducing the number of 2 1/2 inch and 1 1/2 inch strips that were in my "precuts." My precuts are the leftovers from previous projects that I've cut into useable squares and strips. I've also reduced the number of chunks/small pieces that I have stored in another set of drawers. The RSC and Cynthia at
Quilting Is Better Than Housework has helped me finally feel better at stretching the available fabrics to fit that color. Thank you Angela and Cynthia!
Months April through July |
I didn't have many pink, sage and forest green scraps. I had to be a little creative; but, I believe I was successful! I am determined to use what I have on hand for this project so that I pare down my stash. I'm also determined to not harm any yardage to piece this project.
The prompt for the pink was to think baby pink. I had a couple tiny bits of my interpretation of baby pink. I used up many of the pink 2 1/2 inch strips that I had on hand. Again, I was impressed with the overall look of the block when I was finished. Had I a little more fabric, I might have tried to change the location of some of the fabrics. As it was, the length of the strip determined the fabric placement!
I had one strip of sage green fabric. I had a tiny amount of fabric that was close to forest green. I used what I had which meant that I filled in with my olive scraps. I like how the light fabrics in the large circle almost look three dimensional. I like the effect the stripe fabric had in the block.
The braid before the hair cut |
While I have a lot of blue scraps, I was surprised how little bright blue fabrics I had! I decided that scrappy blue with bright blue accents worked fine. I also have a lot of purple scraps. . .there is red purple and blue purple. I went with the blue purple. Of course, I had the same issue. . .almost enough; but, not quite! Actually, I think the print provides a bit of interest to the block.
Seeing four months of blocks together was a "wow" moment. Currently, I don't have a setting plan for these blocks. Gertie, my inner squirrel, has been playing with them so I'm sure she and I will put our heads together once it is time to set the blocks into a top. It feels great to be caught up. This was goal number six on my July list. I'm linking to Angela at So Scrappy because these are RSC blocks.
The style after |
These blocks take up most of my design wall space. It is so amazing at how terrific these scrap blocks truly are! I appreciate the inspiration that Cynthia at at Oh Scrap/Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework provides. Please click the link and enjoy all the other scrappy projects that people are doing.
Catching up was goal number eight on my third quarter list. It was goal number six on my July list.
In other news, I cut my hair. My previous haircut was in December 2019. Before COVID, at least annually, I'd get a hair cut. Two and a half years is a long time to go between haircuts. My hair grew to below my waist. For a time I braided it; but, mostly, I pulled it into a pony tail. Combing it after a shower took some time!
Side and back view |
Before my hairdresser cut about eighteen inches of length from my hair, she tried out a braid. Sometimes she is asked to updo long hair. She likes to keep her skills sharp. She said she saw a picture of a braid she wanted to try if I didn't mind. Of course, I didn't mind! It was a cool looking braid.
I left the hank of hair at the hairdresser's. She said she would check to see if an organization in Oregon that makes hair loss systems for kids with hair loss issues at no charge was accepting donations. I've since learned they are not. So likely my hair dresser tossed that hunk of hair.
Side note: My hairdresser said that she stopped sending hair to Locks of Love because they charge for their wigs.
I like the new haircut. I don't miss all that hair! I doubt that I'll grow my hair that length again. In fact, I'll likely get a couple haircuts a year. I like this style because it is close to wash and wear!
Fabulous RSC blocks. Loved your braid but the new haircut is great. What a relief to have much shorter hair to deal with.
Great job catching up on your RSC blocks! The blue and purple photo is so appealing to me - pretty colors. Way to go on the big haircut, too! Wash and wear is definitely the way to go (in my world, anyway). That is sad to know about Locks of Love, though. I always thought they were a non-profit.
what a haircut! hope you donated the ponytail to locks of love, like my niece did. Her hair grew fast like yours does. I could go 5 years without a cut and it still wouldn't be much below my shoulders! Love those round log cabin blocks... now how did you do them? they look so good together. Use those patterns because they just become color when combined, and when we see them from a slight distance.
Wow, four months worth of blocks all at once! I'm very impressed. They turned out so nicely. I loved what you said about no yardage being harmed lol. I'm a "just use the scraps" kind of quilter most of the time, but sometimes I admit I cut into yardage when I run out. And that makes more scraps, so bonus!
Love those scrappy "circles". They make me want to make another quilt like that. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!
BTW - The new cut looks amazing!
That braid was beautiful but I sure understand not wanting to deal with so much hair every day. I had to go to the Locks of Love web site to see what they do. I was surprised to see it hadn't been updated based on the copyright date on the blog. It makes me wonder if they have made changes to their policies as the page does say they give free hair prosthetics. I sure hope they haven't changed their support for children with hair loss. Enjoy the new cut it looks fabulous on you. You've got beautiful hair.
I love all your circle log cabin blocks!!! It looks like just the right amount of shades to me-can't tell there was a shortage or make-do anywhere! Wow, your hair is so silvery beautiful!!!
I got about 18 inches chopped off my hair a year ago, and donated. The hairdresser said they had several places, and Locks of Love was no longer one of them due to their... less than honest activity of getting donations of hair, making people think they gave wigs to children cancer patients, when in reality they sell the wigs. To be clear, I don't mind that they sell most of the wigs made with donated hair, but they should be upfront about it. Sorry, I don't mean to be bashing LOL, simply sharing my recent experience. Your hair is gorgeous!
I like the blocks you are making for the RSC challenge. Maybe one of these years I'll join in.
Your hairdresser did a lovely job on that braid and your cut looks terrific, Terry! That reminds me... I'm a month past due for my annual haircut. Congrats on catching up on your RSC blocks!
I really think your RSC blocks are stunning and I love the new hairdo! I’m at the point where it really is time for a haircut (I’ve been trimming mine since Covid started) so seeing your new do might just be the incentive to find/make the time to get it done! It’ll be fun to see what you and Gertie come up with for your RSC blocks. 😉
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