I was stitching the May embroidery lesson when Joie decided not to raise/lower the pressure foot. She got to go in for a spa treatment with Aaron at
Quilting Delights. He found that with all the quilting that I do, I had worn out the part that lifts the pressure foot up and down! It took about a week for the part to arrive and then I was stitching other items so it was a while before I got back to this lesson.
June embroidery lesson |
This year, I my goal is to complete the monthly lessons so that I will have a better handle on the embroidery software as well as have more confidence about using it! I might be more inclined to delve into machine embroidery if it weren't such an ordeal to reset the machine. I must lift it and move it to another part of the desk. It isn't far, it isn't hard; but, it is a pain in the . . .to do it! Then, once I move the machine, I can't do other projects. Consequently, I try to work on the embroidery in between other projects.
The May software lesson was straight forward. I was thankful that I was able to maneuver through the steps. Sometimes, I have difficulty achieving the results in following the directions. It amazes me how I can interpret the directions in a different way than they were intended! Sometimes the results are cool; but, most of the time. . .it is frustrating!
This lesson was about blending and using the blend tool to achieve the results. It was fun to play with the tool and to create the blocks. I think that these stitch outs would make nice blocks for a projects. I like the way the thread colors blended. I used the same thread colors for the blocks and like how the design revealed itself! For now, the blocks will be filed with the lesson handout.
Your embroidery pieces look very nice. Keep at it and you’ll get better at the set up and take down, lol.
Luann, Thank you! Learning the embroidery software is such a process! Yes. . . .I do plan to keep at it. Eventually, I'll improve in all areas. . . .even the set up and take down! LOL :)
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