Wednesday, March 1, 2017

A Little Paint

Traced shapes ready to cut out
Earlier this week, I cut some blossoms for a project I'll share once I'm farther along. I fused steam a seam on the back of the fabric. This steam a seam I've had a long time and it is getting close to the time when the fusible could loose its ability to fuse so that was the reason that I used it.

I traced the small, medium and large shapes. Next I cut all 55 out. It took some time.

This kind of repetition was the perfect task for me and life this week.

I took lots of breaks.

Painted pieces drying
The pieces looked fine to me; but, the directions were to paint them. So I purchased some white acrylic paint and dabbed away. I also added some gold shimmery paint too. At first, I was sad that the white paint didn't show so I went back and repainted.

I tried to make each blossom similar, yet different.

The paint added dimension and it was easy to do.

First piece with embroidery
Then the directions called for a little embroidery. Now, I can see what dimension the paint added even if it is so muted! These were fun to make. They reminded me of the lure of potato chips; but, they have loads less calories!

I paced myself and made about 10 a day. I listened to my body. I didn't over do it.  I didn't hurt. I can still hold the needle. Maybe I'm building some muscles? Tomorrow, I should finish this step and will add these shapes to the project. More to come!
Then a few more
Then even more


Monica said...

These are gorgeous, Terry! And it is funny how I have been considering a very similar technique for something else. That is a good idea to do the embroidery before fusing them. Has the paper already been removed? Can't wait to see the next step! said...

Thank you, Monica! I figure the embroidery starts and stops will be well anchored with the fusible by embroidering the parts first. Yes, I removed the paper before stitching. I can't wait to see the next step too!

BJ said...

Really nice! I found that Setacolor fabric paint has a white that doesn't just disappear, but I love what you've done here. I like Setacolor because it hardly changes the hand of the fabric at all. Looking forward to seeing what you are going to do with all these pretty flowers.

Anonymous said...

Those flowers look really cool! I'm intrigued to see what you'll be doing with them! Embroidering the flowers before fusing is a really interesting idea. Something I'll have to put in my toolbox.....

She Quilts It said...

Its so fun to paint on fabric. I'm glad you're getting into it! Makes me think of spring.

Luann Fischer said...

Looking forward to how you will be using these. said...

BJ, White must be a popular color because a couple places I knew online and in town were on backorder. This paint didn't change the hand (how the fabric feels after the paint has been applied as to before the paint was applied) much either; but, hand is important to consider. said...

Nancy, Without the paint and thread, the shapes wouldn't be nearly as interesting. Yes, getting it all done and then fusing to the background is a concept I hadn't consider. Gosh, I really am stretching my box! said...

Joanne, paint techniques would be fun to explore. I might have to do some investigating once I feel like being creative again. These shapes make me think of Spring too! said...

Luann, there is a plan and I know it will work because JoJo tested it! Now it is time for me to execute the plan as I almost have all the parts needed!