Monday, November 21, 2016

Fabric Purchases for the Year

A collection of stash fabrics for a project
This has been an atypical fabric purchasing year for me. Last year, I completed a goal of using 50 yards of fabric from my stash; but, I also purchased nearly that same amount. In the end, I didn't open up much shelf space nor reduce the size of my stash!

There was a time that I didn't have much of a stash. I purchased the fabric for a project and stitched it up. It was a good system. Then, I became hooked on pretty patterns, a type of fabric, new fabric lines and great bargains!! Over time, my stash grew to over flowing the tub system I had in place. It is quick and easy to buy items and there is so much out there that I like to buy!

A friend said that I needed to put the fabric on shelves to see it because I would use it if I looked at it. For me, this was partly true; but, didn't work as well for me as it does for her! My definition of stash is fabric or embellishment not used in a year, becomes part of the stash.

This year, I have been careful with my fabric purchases. If I bought a fabric, the primary goal was to stitch it soon so it didn't become part of my stash!  I was successful for eight yards of fabric purchases. Those eight yards became "Tinkling the Ivories," binding on "Totally Hexed", a blue skirt for K, a flower WIP and a pink skirt for K. When I stitch that blue skirt for J, I will have stitched ten yards of fabric that I purchased this year.

A bag of selvages waiting to be stitched
into a tote!
--I did buy a yard of a 1930's fabric that I just liked. It is in the stash and I don't have a purpose for it; but, I still like it!
--At the same time, I bought three yards of silk print thinking it would make a wonderful skirt. It is a small floral print on a navy background. It was six dollars!!
--I also bought five yards of an orange batik because the price was right ($3/yd). It is also part of my stash, but, I will use it when I work on a mastery BOM that I collected the fabrics--but, never started. --I also bought three yards of a dark almost black fabric for a background. I didn't start that project either. I've been thinking about the project for a while; but, for now, it can marinate in my head! The remaining fabrics I've stitched.

So, that brings the total fabric purchase this year to 22 yards. I've stitched 10 yards into projects. Making my stash increase by 12 yards. BUT, I've also used 22 1/2 yards of fabric from my stash in completed projects. I'm thinking of doing a BOM beginning in January. . . .the background requirements are 11 yards!

Hmmmm. . .I'm going to need to FINISH more of my WIPs to bump that total stash yardage used! On the other hand, I'm pleased that I still have a net loss happening with my stash!! Back to stitching!!


Anonymous said...

Good job on your stash control! Mine is way out of control, but I still enjoy it so I'm not working on reducing it yet. Who needs to be able to walk through the house???? said...

LOL about the comment to walk through the house!!! My stash will probably always be out of control too. . .but, when I start misplacing items. . .it is time to make some changes! :)--Terry

Monica said...

Yes, I am misplacing things too, only the thing is, I'm not 100% sure that it's me who's doing it! Some day I really will get to the bottom of things down in the basement. But, I'm glad you're feeling good about your fabrics. That's the main thing! said...

Ha, Ha!! Monica!! Perhaps, my two "grands" have been "helping" me with my organization! After all, they are all about "helping!"--Terry