Sunday, November 27, 2016


The family at Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving was terrific and special. What made it terrific was that our small family was united! This is a big deal as our oldest daughter is married with two "littles" and is conscientious about sharing the holidays equally between us and her husband's family. Our youngest daughter lives in England so her home visits are few. What made it special was that our youngest granddaughter, J, celebrated her third birthday on Thanksgiving!

Of course, there was a lot of cooking. My sweetie, brined and then cooked the turkey on the traeger. It was delicious. He also made the green salad, the mashed potatoes, green beans as well as purchased all the supplies! He chopped and diced the ingredients I needed for my part of the dinner. He even roasted a piece of salmon for me because I turkey doesn't agree with my stomach! I baked a pumpkin pie and a carrot cake--both dairy free so Miss J could have both if she wanted! (She chose the cake. Miss K chose the pie!) I roasted sweet potatoes, made the stuffing and gravy. Daughter N and her friend J helped with preparations and provided wine, cheese and charcuterie. Daughter A and her husband J made a fruit salad and brought a wonderful selection of breads. We wanted not for food!

Still quilting in the ditch!
Every dish was delicious. Of course, the day passed too fast and we all ate too much.  We kept the salmon and A's family made out with the turkey leftovers. A and I made plans for black Friday shopping. Black Friday shopping is our tradition. Our goal is to leave the house around 4AM and return about 7AM! Daughter N was leaving for the airport when I was headed out to shop. She would have loved sharing Black Friday with her friend J as he couldn't believe all the Black Friday advertising or that people shop at that time of the day!

Now, I'm looking forward to getting back to the ditch quilting on this project. Ditch stitching is necessary; but, oh so boring! I still haven't an idea of how I want to quilt the blocks. Hmmm. . . maybe I'll come up with something for those borders and start there.


Monica said...

It looks like you had a wonderful holiday! Black Friday was a shock to me too, when I first moved to the States. :D

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'm glad you enjoyed Black Friday, too, although I can't understand the desire to go out in that. ;) I hope you got some wonderful deals!

I guess I'm a little weird because I don't generally mind ditch quilting. It's kind of fun because I know right away which ditches I want to stitch and there's no marking involved. The hard part is deciding how to quilt the rest of it and doing any necessary marking! Of course, that's also the more exciting part as I watch the quilting unfold, so it's all good in the end. Can't wait to see how you decide to quilt your quilt! said...

Monica, I imagine Black Friday would sound odd! Participating before cell phones and open all night hours made for a different Black Friday too! (Longer lines and more craziness!)--Terry said...

Nancy, Ditch quilting is a start to the process. I often come up with some ideas while I'm doing the ditch work. I guess that is why it is boring to me!--Terry

Anonymous said...

Terry - your Thanksgiving looks and sounds like a fun gathering!

I'm mostly a walking foot quilter, I do some ditch work but generally keep it pretty simple. I purchased Skillbuilder's practice panels a while ago, they're for sure on my 2017 to do list.

BarbCA :-) said...

Barb, those practice panels look like a great way to increase your quilting skills! I wish you well with making wonderful progress in 2017. Thanks for your comment!--Terry