Sunday, October 9, 2016

Quilting Is . . .Almost Finished!

Red sashing quilted!
I thought that I could finish quilting my "42 Minis" AKA Presiden't blocks today; but, I didn't get there. When I last posted on October 3, I was quilting the pieced sashing. I did purchase another spool of YLI silk thread to finish quilting the red sashing pieces.

The down side to all these continuous curves was that I didn't take enough breaks and I strained my thumbs from pushing and pulling the fabric. I actually had to rest three days before I could move my right thumb with less pain!

Was I feeling the stress of not being able to quilt??? YES!!! Rest, ice and an acupuncture session helped lessen the pain too. I'm on the mend.

Oops, I caught the edge of the backing in
the quilting!
At the end of one quilting session, I discovered that I had caught the edge of the back in the quilting.

I was sad. I thought about ripping out that section of the pieced sashing; but, decided instead to cut the fabric away. I used tweezers and was able to remove all of the back fabric. I only pulled the stitching in two spots and it didn't take too much effort to restitch that area. It didn't take long to do the cutting either. I was happy!

The continuous curve shape I free
motioned quilted on 56
Then, it was on to quilting the 56 white cornerstones. Originally, I had planned to quilt a continuous curve there as well and add an X. Instead,  I used a hera marker to make an X on the cornerstone. Then I free motion quilted continuous lines around that X shape. I liked the result. I also liked that the shapes aren't perfect.  I call them "organic" and "artisan" shapes! :)

Sample of straight line stitching in the navy
sashing. . .boring!!

Those navy sashings were next. I had decided that I'd use my rulers to quilt two lines in the navy sashing. The problem was that it was too hard to push and it hurt my thumbs way more than I thought that I could bear.

The first plan looked great on this block;
it didn't look great on the next quilt!

After stitching one and half blocks, I decided to remove the stitches and to make a new plan.

Sample of the wave quilting design I
quilted in the sashings!
I decided to stitch a gentle curve instead which worked!
Of the 42 blocks; I have quilted 38 so I SHOULD be able to quilt the last four tomorrow!

I didn't work on the binding; but, I did write a draft of the label. The show is now 12 days away. Surely, I can get the binding, sleeve and label stitched in place before the show!
Time will tell!


Diane-crewe said...

take your time and enjoy the process.. and it will continue to be a beautiful work of art xx

Anonymous said...

It's looking great! I've done the same thing when the edge of the backing has folded over into the quilting. Much better than redoing a bunch of quilting! I'm glad it looks like you'll get this finished for the exhibit. Just don't hurt yourself in the process!

She Quilts It said...

I think you will be really glad when this one is done. Nothing like a deadline to spur completion of a project! said...

Diane, It has been quite the process. I continue to learn more about myself and my skills!--Terry said...

Nancy, I bet you were feeling just as happy to be able to save your quilting that way too! Thumb is feeling better. . .I still plan to take it easy.--Terry said...

Joanne, yes, I'll be smiling ear to ear when this project is completed!!!--Terry