Quilt this mystery project that is a top!
Finish the binding, label and sleeve on my president's blocks AKA "42 Minis" Of course, I thought that I would finish that six weeks ago at LEAST!!
butterfly quilt--get it pin basted,
TQS BOM--figure out the embroidery for the border that I want to add,

Six past book club and one current book club projects:
Finish this little top.
Add the skinny pieces to liven up the background and appliqué the flowers to finish the top.
Add the quilting to this project. I also want to add some beads which will be a first for me!
Quilt this piece of linen that has been in my stash for about 30 years!
Figure out how to fit the bridge on this piece and what to do with the open bottom right corner:
These are two starts to book club quilts. . .Are you seeing a pattern??? I must return to my word for the year. . .FOCUS on finishing!!!
Keep putting in a little time each month on appliquéing the pieces that over lap the blocks on this chicken wall hanging. I only stitched on it three times in the last quarter. I'm thinking that I need to designate a day to work on it each week to really make progress!
Finish the online mystery BOM top. I just have the last clue to complete!
This is the fabric for a pieced, appliqué and embroidered project! I have it cut out; but, haven't started stitching!
The granddaughter asked to make a skirt. . .well, we picked the fabric and the pattern. . .also fabric for a skirt for her sister!!
Finish this bag that I started in a class on how to use various machine feet and machine embroidery stitches.
I also need a new bag to carry my quilt projects. I have this bag of selvages to work with:
Sew another 50 yards from my stash during the year. I've been using fabrics from my stash; but, since I haven't completed much using them, I haven't listed where I am on that goal.
Make more of these bags using some scraps. This is a scrap from the backing of my president's blocks AKA 42 Minis quilt that might work.
Make a pillowcase to store 42 Minis.
Have FUN!
This is a lot for a list and many of the projects are hold overs from the first quarter. I'm okay with that. As long as I'm making progress, I don't mind having long lists! Also, I have found that if I am more specific about the result of the progress, I make more progress!
Did you mean to link this post to the #scraptastictuesday linky party ? This looks like you wanted to link this to the Finish Along which is another linky party on my blog. Sorry if I caused confusion!
One of these months you're going to have an amazing number of 'finishes'. Progress needs to happen first, and it sure looks like you are doing that. I truly do enjoy watching over your shoulder, as you move things along. I'm looking forward to seeing the piece that you want to add the beads to, as you work on it. Yellow is a favorite color of mine. Your most important focus needs to be the family, and it appears you've got that working. God bless you all.
You definitely have enough to keep you busy this quarter! If you're like me, you'll be adding to your list as you go along -- squirrel.... But you really are making a lot of progress and I think it's good to have a good variety in your projects, like you do, so you can also keep up your interest level. Look forward to watching your progress!
Thanks, Nicky. . .yes, I didn't mean to link there! I'll try again!!!--Terry
Luann, I totally agree. . .just wonder when the stars align so that amazing number of 'finishes' happens!! :) Yellow is becoming a favorite of mine to work into projects. --Terry
Nancy, "Squirrel" is such an appropriate term!!! There is just too much fun to try out there in the quilting world!--Terry
interesting projects! good luck!
Thanks, Vera. I see you are from the Czech Republic. I'm honored you visited and left me a comment. Please come visit again!--Terry
Wow! What a list! Can't wait to see the piece that you are going to add beads to. I love the log cabin background.
Janice, I liked the beading you did on one of your pieces. I haven't done much beading; but, I think that it is fun!--Terry
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