Sunday, June 16, 2024

Temperature Quilt 2022-2023--It's A Top!

Goal number one on my June list was to cut the borders and begin stitching one to my 2022-2023 Temperature quilt. One afternoon, I cut the two remaining borders and marked the quarter inch sewing line. I noted the half and quarter marks on the length of each border.

Border cut and marked
Next, I needed to remove papers. This was a job I did while watching television with my husband! I spent several evenings creating a pile of thread and used papers!

Paper removal debris pile
As I positioned the border in place, I removed the papers along the outer edge. It didn't take as long to prep the border as I had led myself to believe. I marked the quarter sections on the quilt top and began to pin the border in place. I found I needed to ease the top to the border. I thought that stitching with the papers would have eliminated wonkiness. . .not so! 

Appliquéing a straight edge is much faster than going around all the points on the lengthwise borders! I thought that I'd applique one border this month and one border next month. . .nope. I finished both THIS month. It is now a finished top! 
Detail view of appliquéd edge
I do need to press the back carefully to tame all the seam allowances and I need to construct the back. Pressing and constructing the back may happen next month. Considering the quilting, I am thinking simple. The top is heavy with all those seams!

I'm linking to: Cynthia at Oh Scrap; Alycia at Finished or Not Friday and to Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilting.
Finished top


Julierose said...

Wow this is just beautiful!! Lovely finish--hugs, Julierose

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Wow, your temperature quilt is gorgeous! Love the purple border, it looks very neat. Congratulations on finishing the top!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Congratulations on getting these borders finished, Terry! That looks wonderful. Borders are never my favorite step of a quilt, so it always feels good to get that done. I love how the purple borders bring out the purple in your blocks!

Anonymous said...

Looks great! Will be a perfect lap quilt for you to cuddle up with!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Woo Hoo and Congratulations, Terry! Your quilt top is stunning! It has been a joy to watch your progress on this quilt. Have a great day. Hugs.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Whoa!!! That turned out so cool ( or hot haha) The way the colors blend in to the next ones is really neat to see!!!

Kat Scribner said...

Your temperature quilt is AMAZING !