Sunday, August 8, 2021

Aqua String Blocks--Rainbow Scrap Challenge Complete

Aqua fabrics--leftover from Frolic
This is the first time that I've cut strips from leftover chunks of fabric for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC). The fabrics came from my Frolic project. (It's one of my goals this month to make progress on piecing the border!)

I cut a bunch of strips in a variety of widths. I did group the strips together to ensure that I had one of each fabric in a group. It would have been terrific if I had two or three more fabrics in this group; but, I didn't. I'm okay with using what I had. The idea behind this quilt is to use what I have!

The pile of possibilities
I also cut a bunch of neutral strips. I probably have enough neutral strips cut to piece the next couple of months! I had quite a pile to start.

As I pieced, I wondered how the selection of fewer fabrics would look when I was finished with the piecing. For the first time this year since Angela at So Scrappy announced the color of the month, I pieced all of the blocks in one day. I was inspired to see how the blocks looked all together!

When I was finished and I had trimmed the blocks, I was not disappointed with the results. I love these blocks! This was goal number five on my August list. I'm linking to Anglela at SoScrappy! I'm also linking to Cynthia at Oh Scrap/Quilting is More Fun Than Housework.

This past week, my daughters, granddaughters, husband and myself, spent time at the coast. One morning, we drove 40 minutes along the coast to the Oregon Coast Aquarium. We arrived a few minutes before it opened and already there were people waiting in line. We wore masks; but, there was no social distancing. There was a lot of people not wearing masks too. 

Finished blocks
The last time I was at the aquarium was when our daughters were about the same age as the granddaughters. A lot has changed since I was there last. I still enjoyed the jelly fish exhibit as much as I did the first time! The closeness of all the people--masked and unmasked--made me feel uncomfortable. There were more people wearing masks than not; but, being in such a large group made me uncomfortable. I don't know when I will feel okay being amongst so many people!

We rented a house that faced the beach. We took walks on the beach early in the morning and early in the evening. We cooked wonderful meals, played pinochle and visited. A banana with peanut butter for breakfast this morning seems so bare after the spreads that were prepared during the week!

Some members of our group went shopping; but, the aquarium was my only outing! I was tempted to stop at a quilt shop for Gertie, my inner squirrel; but, the granddaughters weren't interested in a b-o-r-i-n-g quilt shop! I didn't push the issue. I enjoyed watching the waves and walking along the beach. I was also ready to come home and return to my solitary life! (How sad is that?)
View of the beach from our rental

Regarding COVID:
Worldwide: 201M cases; 4.27M deaths
United States: 35.8M cases; 616M deaths
Oregon: 227K cases, 2,915 deaths

In Oregon, last month there were more than 4,200 COVID cases. Of those, 81 percent of those infected were not vaccinated. There were also 55 deaths. Ninety-one percent of the victims were not vaccinated. Research is showing that the all of the vaccines stop the virus from mutating. It is being reported that soon the FDA will give full approval to ALL of the vaccines. After the full approval occurs, I wonder how long it will be before those who have refrained from becoming vaccinated change their tune or if organizations, businesses and employers will mandate all who enter must be vaccinated. The new normal definitely continues to be different.


Vicki in MN said...

Your string blocks are so calming and gorgeous!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I really love your strung blocks in aqua! I love the Oregon Coast, too - sounds like a good trip!

JanineMarie said...

I love the colors in your aqua string blocks. It’s wonderful that you were able to get away to the coast, but what a strange life we are living right now that we feel most comfortable at home. I was happy to unmask for a time, but am definitely willing to put it back on, hoping that vaccinations will catch up soon.

Meredith said...

It sounds ideal and such a nice break. My middle son was ill last week and tested positive for Covid, he has been vaccinated so I am thankful it will be a milder case. He has lost his sense of smell and taste but at least he is not feverish anymore. He was not wearing a mask out as much anymore, foolish I know but he is 24 and doesn't live at home so what can you do? Glad you are home, stay safe. said...

Thank you, Vicki. I thought too that they were calming colors. . .I didn't know that aqua could do that! said...

Diann, Growing up in the central part of Oregon, the coast isn't the draw to me that it is to my husband and daughters. When they were small, they all spent a lot of time at the coast. I've never embraced all the gray! I'd much rather be looking at a bright sky! said...

JeanneMarie, It is a strange time. Since the granddaughters aren't able to be vaccinated yet, I've been extra cautious. There are many people like me, vaccinated, that are choosing to wear a mask for additional protection. Yes, I get some "looks;" but, no one has asked me about the mask wearing. I'm even considering not attending my guild meeting in a couple days because I don't want to be in a place. . .even though we are outdoors, with unvaccinated people. said...

Meridith, I'm sorry that you middle son contracted COVID. I'm thankful, he was vaccinated and I hope his illness is a short one. Yes, the get away was good. We haven't left home since December 2019! Getting away made us appreciate home that much more which was good!

Bonnie said...

I understand your reticence at being indoors where not everyone masks up. I'm being really careful these days because my granddaughter is coming to visit next week for a few days. Do you ever go to the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show? Someday I may get to visit that one. I like your aqua string blocks. Heck, I've liked all of your string blocks so far! said...

Yes, Bonnie, I've been to the Sister's Outdoor Quilt Show. Years ago, I had quilts that hung in the show! It is an amazing show. I grew up sort of in that part of the state; but, the show wasn't yet a reality when I lived there! You must go to visit. My favorite part of the day was to go early, have breakfast and watch the hanging of the quilts! I've started a number of string projects; but, haven't finished one. . . .yet! I too am loving the blocks which continues to surprise me. Who knew??? Not me that is for sure!!!! Thanks for your comment about the masks. Some people don't get it; but, I want to do my part to keep my grandchildren safe. I also work in a hospital and I am mindful to keep the staff who work directly with patients safe as well. What we think we know about the virus today will likely change by next week! It seems prudent to be cautious!

Preeti said...

Terry, your string blocks are absolutely stunning. These are strange times and quilting is our refuge, more than ever before. Solitary need not be lonely. We are part of a large and engaged online community. Hugs to you. said...

Preeti, you are so right about solitary not being lonely. I've been thankful for Zoom sewing sessions, podcasts and bloggers' posts to keep me connected to social life! Thank you for your kind comment about my string blocks. I've enjoyed stitching each color and I had no idea that I would enjoy them this much!

QuiltGranma said...

Beautiful set of string quilt blocks!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Lovely aqua blocks and a gorgeous beach view (even on a stormy day!) Just so you know, I don't think it's not sad, bad, or anyway negative that you were ready to get home after your vacation with the grands. We get used to the quiet flow of our days and there's nothing wrong with that, at all!! said...

Thank you, Quilt Granma! said...

Joy, I grew up in a low populated area of the state. My family farmed and raised beef cattle. I spent many hours on a machine moving up and down in a field. I saw more wildlife than people! I'm not a stranger to solitude. PreCOVID, I would have explored shops, restaurants and attractions. The last day, use to make me sad about leaving. This trip, I was happy about leaving and that was what triggered the sad comment! I appreciate your support! You are right on about enjoying the quiet flow of days! Thanks for your comment and your visit!