Running stitch applied "organically" |
A reminder about this project: The square represents the low for the day; the circle represents the high for the day. Hand stitching represents precipitation.
Once I had hand appliquéd the circles to the squares, I stitched a running stitch around the circle if it was a rainy day. I purchased that thread when I went to the International Quilt Show in Houston, Texas a number of years ago. I bought it from Laura Wasilowski's booth. It is a beautiful size eight hand dyed ombre thread. Laura is such a positive person. She has fun patterns and threads for sale on her website. She also has lots of tutorials which are free which include some stitch alongs that you can join at any time!
Because it is a hand dyed thread, I tested it for color fastness. I don't intend to wash this project; but, if I wet it for blocking, I wanted to know I won't have bleeding issues. I was shocked at how much color came from the thread. I tried setting the color with a vinegar and salt solution. I don't know how successful I was because even with lots of rinsing in cold water, there was a lot of dye in the water.
Sashing and alternate square selections |
I'll be mindful of getting this project wet! With all the dye that was released from the thread at least I know that amount won't be on my fabric!
The thread adds a nice accent to the circles. I like adding my hand to a project. I had thought about using different stitches; but, decided to keep the design the same. On purpose, I am stitching "organically" circular as I like the wonkiness free form stitching creates.
When the month begins or ends on a day other than Saturday, I decided to use square of a light grey fabric printed with dots. I liked the contrast that fabric provided.
For the sashing between the weekdays, I auditioned all sorts of grey fabrics. I considered using no sashing and in the end, I used a fabric print of rocks. This fabric was left over from a long ago project. It was destined to be a in a baby quilt; but, after cutting almost all the pieces, there wasn't enough. All the pieces and parts ended up in a bag about nine years ago. . .but, who is counting???
First week in January complete |
The smallest strips were cut at 7/8 of an inch so perhaps it is serendipity that this fabric ended up in this project after all! I don't know if there is enough fabric to sash all the blocks for this project. If I run out before the end of the year, I'll figure out another fabric that will work as well. I do plan to spend some time cutting the strips to size so I have a better idea of how many months of strips I have on hand.
The month of January complete |
To sash each week, I did use a grey fabric and I added white corner stones so that matching the squares would be easier. I also wanted to provide the eye with another pattern to view. I slowly stitched the weeks of January together. I have a plan for the key; but, I haven't a plan for inserting the name of the month. I've time to work out that plan.
Because this is a scrappy project and because I'm using those bits housed for years in a plastic bag, I'm linking to Oh Scrap--Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework.
I had a pleasant surprise in my mail box twice this week. I received two Valentine post cards! One was from Connie and one was from Gail. I recognize the "girl" as Gail made a quilt for a special someone with that print some time ago. I helped her with the label. My friend, Bonnie Welte wrote the book on making post cards.
Valentine post cards |
I agree with Connie that the granddaughters would have a hoot making these. How I miss our play dates! This year I was derelict in sending Valentine cards. I'll try to be better next year. In the meantime, I wish all of you a Happy Valentine's Day!
Speaking of Valentine's Day, my plan is to finish the table runner I started in a Saturday workshop. I have a plan of how to squeeze the leftover background fabric into a binding.
Today, I could have posted about our low temperatures (upper 20s) or the snow that fell--about six inches and the coat of ice--about half an inch. Instead, I'll save those photos for Wednesday when our "normal" temperatures are back in the 40s for this time of year.
Valentine table runner |
In the meantime, we are staying warm feeding the wood stove and staying away from the ice incased tree limbs as a number of those have crashed. Sigh, there is some damage from their fall; but nothing my husband can't repair when the conditions improve.
Regarding COVID:
- Worldwide: 109M cases; 2.39M deaths
- United States: 27.6M cases; 484K deaths
- Oregon: 150K cases; 2,137 deaths
In the United States and also in Oregon, the number of new cases has plateaued. Distribution of vaccine continues to be an issue. In Oregon, the process to get on a list to receive the vaccine isn't any better than it was last week. People age 80 were eligible to receive the vaccine this week.
Many may not have the ability to navigate the technology to schedule their appointment. COVID vaccine angels all across the United States are volunteering to help seniors book online appointments. Also, in Oregon the media reported four vaccinated people have contracted the virus. It wasn't reported what vaccine each had nor was it reported how the infection was contracted nor was it reported how long between the vaccine doses the exposure was. It was reported that the people have had light symptoms of the virus.
Proof of vaccination |
Tuesday, I received the second dose of the Moderna vaccine. I arrived five minutes before the schedule start of the vaccination day. I was the third person to be vaccinated that day. The person who vaccinated me was working the day I received my first dose. I thanked her for doing this job. She said that she had worked every day that the vaccinations were distributed. She also said she planned to continue working every day that the vaccinations were offered because she felt so strongly about the value of the vaccinations!
While my arm has not been as sore as it was with the first dose, the second dose packed a wallop! I experienced chills, fever, nausea for a full three days. I did not vomit. I ran a temperature of 101. The headache, muscle and joint pain have been constant. The dizziness is more profound this time than the last time. Ibuprofen helps the symptoms. About an hour before I can redose the Ibuprofen, all the symptoms I'm experiencing heighten.
Again, I am thankful to have had the opportunity to access to the vaccine. I am thankful that the symptoms I am experiencing will pass without lingering effects. I am thankful that while the symptoms of the doses have kicked my butt, I am about five days away from my body building the optimum immunity. Exactly what I'll be immune to in terms of the new COVID variants remains to be known. This vaccination, however, is the beginning. I am one person that won't be an easy host for the virus to invade. May there be millions of us in this same position soon.