Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Unity--Post 5

Repurposing charm squares
For clue number seven, I needed some squares. I decided to repurpose the patriotic charm squares that I had exchanged in charm and strip exchange through my guild a number of years ago. I pulled the squares that could be used as light, dark blue and light blue. I am limited with the dark blue and light blue fabric. My goal is to piece this quilt entirely from my stash.

I used the HSTs (half square triangles) from clue number six. I began stitching blocks. There were a lot of blocks to stitch. I thought that I could stitch the blocks in about three days. Wrong!!! I spent about six days stitching.

First completed block
These aren't difficult blocks to stitch even though there are 24 pieces in each block! I found it best if I stitched one block at a time so that I could continue to rotate my limited dark fabrics as well as rotate the red HSTs to maximize the variety of all the fabrics I used.

A lot of these blocks are a bit eighth of an inch shy of what they were supposed to measure. There are a lot of points to match and to maintain. For the most part, I was successful.

Because random is a challenge for me, as I finish a block, I put it on the wall. I find I spend less time fiddling with block arrangement this way rather than putting them on the wall after I have sewn all of them. I also find watching the "holes" fill in helpful to keep going!
Clue seven finished

I can't say that I was successful in not having the same fabric close to each other; but, I decided that the overall look was pleasing to I stitched the blocks together into four borders. Then I stitched the borders to the quilt.

These blocks added so much interest to the overall look of the top. I'm glad I persevered and finished each one. I am relieved to have competed this clue!!!

Bonnie released the eighth and final clue more than a week ago. I've more blocks to make. In clue eight, I get to make a bunch of of sawtooth star blocks with economy block centers.

I am excited about finishing the top; but, I am going to take a little break and work on the tree skirt. I may cut kits for the stars so that I can put them together as leaders and enders.

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