Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Why Not and What If?

Washed and ready for the cut
The last time I had my hair cut was in October. Karen has been cutting my hair for the past 19 years. Every haircut is terrific. I NEVER have those times when my hair is difficult to control after a cut. Often, I can style my hair with my fingers and by pass the hair dryer!

Karen is truly an artist. I'll describe a cut or I'll say what about this?? She will expand upon my thought. This time I said I wanted to grow my bangs and I asked about an  asymmetrical cut. She shared the photos of what she did.

I love the back. If I decide that I'm tired of the longer side, I would like the other side looking like this!

Finished side and back
Other finished side and back
The other side is nice too.

It is nice to shake things up for a change. I've been stepping outside my "box" with quilting projects this quarter so why not step outside my usual "bob" cut? After all, the youngest grand, J, usually asks, "Why not?" instead of, "Why?" I've been thinking more about why not and what if.  Changing my hairstyle seemed to be in keeping with my thought pattern this quarter.

The grands squealed with delight about my hair cut when they saw me for the first time. A number of people ask why I only got half a hair cut, some people tell me that they would never be brave enough to wear a hair cut like that. Some people don't say anything although, they do give me a quizzical stare!

Finished view

When I left Karen's shop, I felt like a new person.

Sometimes, it is good to make a change and see what kind of creativity happens because of the change.


QuiltShopGal said...

Great haircut. Looks perfect on you.

QuiltShopGal said...

Thanks, Darlene!

Anonymous said...

Love the haircut! A friend of mine is talking about putting teal coloring in her hair. I'm thinking about adding some fuchsia to mine, but I might have to go a bit more grey before anyone can see it.

Luann Fischer said...

I like it! And just think, you now have three hair styles- asymmetrical, short pixie? If you wear your red hat tilted over one ear, and mid length bob if you tilt the hat to the other side! Wow, three for the price of one,, I'd say you got a bargain without realizing it. said...

Thanks, Nancy! I would definitely add a little color to mine with this style of cut; but, my hair grows so fast that the color would be out too soon. I'll just stick with God as my colorist. He has done a great job so far. :) said...

Luann, agreed!!!! I can always go back to the bob when I want more symmetry. :)

sewengel said...

I like it too, you are lucky to have a great head of hair to do that cut.

BTW always enjoy the blog.

Hugs, sharon

Unknown said...

I love the new look and can't wait to see you in person. said...

Sharon, my hair is fine; but there is a lot of it. I am tickled that you enjoy my blog!!! Thank you so much!!!! said...

Joanne, I miss seeing you too! One of these days. . .the stars will align. . .!!! :) Thanks for the comment about my do!