Thursday, December 22, 2016

Bernie to the Rescue

Quilted design in purple squares
I had hoped to finish quilting this project by the end of the year. Well, I didn't make it!!!

Quilting is a journey and it is okay that I didn't finish at the end of December. My plan now is to finish it by the end of January. (My fingers are crossed!!!)

I had to decide how to quilt the pinkish star points. I decided that I would use the design on the right side of the star points.

These were quilting okay. Again, I tried to use the ruler; but, I found that from a sitting position, I could only use it on one side as I was unable to hold the ruler in position when it was behind the machine. Also, I find the foot "heavy" in that some points are bulky and as I approach those areas, the foot acts as if it has run into a concrete wall!
Also, as I began and ended each stitching line, it was harder and harder to get the balance wheel to turn to bring the threads to the top of the quilt. Then. . .I heard a rattle as I stitched and when I tried to move the balance wheel, the wheel turned; but, the needle didn't move. I packed the machine to take in for a check. The part is on order and my fingers are crossed the part arrives early next week! The repair man said he hasn't seen this issue with this model of machine. I sure hope this doesn't happen again as I have to be able to pull my threads to the top of the quilt!!!!

Bernie at work!
I do have a back up machine. . .thank goodness! I saved her so I would have a machine that I could take to class if I needed to zig zag. Meet Bernie who has lived and worked hard for many years! She is a 1630 Bernina and my first Bernina. Recently, Nick  from Ace Sewing and Vacuum rebuilt  her mother board so she could hang around and be productive for a bunch more years!!!  He has serviced Bernie for 20 years!  If you live around Newberg, Oregon, check out his shop.

Right away, I missed the light, the extra harp space and the speed of stitching that Joie, my newer Bernina exhibits. Still, I was thankful that I didn't have to put this project away while I wait for my other machine to be repaired!
Three of four legs of the star quilted

Although I also almost had to get out the manual to wind the bobbin. I guess, I bonded more with Joie than I had realized! In the end, I remembered. It took me about ten hours to quilt these lines!

I sure wish I could have used a ruler, but with this small harp, there isn't room! Also, I doubt that the ruler foot will fit this older machine. I'm hoping that the bobbles don't show up all that much. After all, there are going to be a lot more quilting lines in this piece!

The block thus far!

I like how flat the block is laying. I like the quilting. . .I'm still thinking about those background squares and yet, no idea of a keeper design has entered my head! This quilting took me about 12 hours. Pushing and pulling the fabric through Bernie's smaller harp is a workout! I find I must take more breaks.

Next part to quilt are the nine patch blocks that are in the alternate blocks. I'm planning to use a larger size of the Ultimate stencil.

No ideas have lit on those background squares. . .hmmmmmm


Anonymous said...

Hi Terry - so far your block looks great to me!


Anonymous said...

I like what you chose for the star points! It's all coming together beautifully!! So sorry you had a problem with your machine. I keep a backup machine, too, both for classes and for when the good machine is in the shop. I hate to be stuck if I want to do something! said...

Thanks so much, Barb! I sure have been challenged with this project!--Terry said...

Nancy, I thought that I could use my featherweight for most classes. . .then, I ended up taking some classes that required machine that could zig zag. . .Joie weighs 42 pounds, Bernie 32! I'm glad that I kept her for that reason as well as I didn't want to be "stuck" either! :)