Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Sweet Tooth Mystery--post 1

February 14 was when Bill and Weeks of Modern Quilt Studio dropped the first clue. We were to make different recipes for the size of top we selected. The recipes should illustrate transparency. I struggled with this step. I rejected some options and wasn't sure about the options I chose!

A rejected option
The directions were to stitch the recipes together so we would remember which fabrics we chose to group together. We were to press the seams open. I generally press the seams to one side; but, I decided that I would give pressing the seams open a try. What I learned was that I needed to sew an exact quarter inch rather than a scant quarter inch. Pressing the seams to one side takes up some space!

The recipes

We were to make two different units using the fabrics from our recipes. On my first go, I didn't get the transparency effect that I had envisioned. I should have chosen a green that was closer in hue to the blue and yellow fabrics to have made the transparency effect work.

A failed recipe

Back to the fabrics, I decided to try to get a brown transparency. I had better success. It was also better to layout the fabrics and step back. Viewing the fabrics that way made it easier for me to see if I achieved transparency or not.

Better attempt at transparency 
I continued with the process until I had made all the blocks in the first clue. There are some additional blocks to make. I haven't felt like playing with these fabrics to make the blocks. I want to enjoy this project so I'll likely wait until I finish quilting my temperature quilt before I work more on this project.

More blocks. . .some blocks are subtle transparencies

These blocks are better. These will work. I didn't take a photo of the second set of blocks. They are stitched and labeled, however! Stay tuned. I'll post about as I work through the clues. Goal number one on my March list was to document my progress on this project. 

Linking to Alycia at Finished or Not Friday.


Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Oh what a fun challenge, Terry. I really like where this quilt is going. Good idea on knocking out one project so that you can revel in the enjoyment of a new one. I do that too ever so often. I am trying to finish my butterfly quilt so I can enjoy the quilting on my bow tie. Have a beautiful day, sweet friend. Hugs.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

The transparency effect is fascinating to me! I've never tried it in my own sewing, but fun to see what you're trying, Terry. I think I'm getting the idea of what the "recipes" are for, and glad you're figuring out what will work!

Vicki in MN said...

According to your last photo you achieved transparency!

Rebecca Grace said...

Those blocks are fascinating, Terry! I'll be interested to see where this challenge takes you!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

What a challenge - but I can see it now in the blocks you posted. That would really strain my color brain ;-)