Sunday, March 23, 2025

Basting Love Makes A Family--post 3

Filler stitch on the right completed. Shape on the left begun.
Goal number three on my March list was to baste and begin quilting Love Makes A Family. I spent my free time last week quilting my 2021 Temperature Quilt. While I'm getting closer to a finish, I've hours left to quilt! I plan to be working on it this weekend. I'll be making the wonky shape around the appliquéd centers in the photo on the left. Friday, I finished quilting all the blank squares with the filler on the right.

Taping the backing to the table
I view at my monthly goal list almost every day. This month, I am not making the progress that I had hoped. I decided that I could at least meet half of goal number three which was to baste and begin quilting the top "Love Makes A Family" that I pieced in February. I pulled the supplies and taped the backing to my table. Usually, I would use some clamps but this backing is smaller than my table so tape it was.

Batting in place
The batting of choice for this project is a leftover piece of wool batting that I pieced together. I layered it on top of the backing and lightly smoothed it in place. I wish that wool batting wasn't so expensive as it is a favorite of mine! I like the puff it gives when quilted. I also like how it drapes around a body.

Ready for quilting
I smoothed the top on the batting and pinned. Once pinned, I trimmed the excess batting and backing. When I finish quilting the temperature quilt, I'll begin quilting this project. . .although, it might not be this month. This is okay, I'm making progress and that is what counts!

Linking to Frédérique at Patchwork and Quilts and Cynthia at Oh Scrap.


Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your quilting is so gorgeous, Terry- love the swirls. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for Love Makes a Family. Do you already have an idea on how you are going to quilt it? Have a blessed day. Hugs

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It always seems like the basting step is the biggest hump to get over in the quilting process! But now you're a step ahead on your next quilt finish. I'll enjoy seeing how you quilt this one, Terry!