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Continuing with stitching lines |
When I can't decide what to quilt, I will look at what I have quilted and determine if a motif could be repeated or changed slightly. The word repeated gave me an idea. Thinking a bit more I had a plan. I would stitch lines in the HSTs as I had done in the angled shapes in the center of the quilt. I used a 50 wt cotton thread in a color that blended with the fabrics in the needle and the polyester red thread in the bobbin.
I do like the effect. The bulk of the seams
caused some of the lines to go askew. For awhile, I ripped and restitched; but, the result usually didn't make much of a difference. Also, any fullness that was in the square skewed the lines. I decided that I would aim for an organic line and leave the lines.
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Circle in the center of square in a square block |
In the center of the square in a square blocks, I wanted to use the Westalee circle template. I wasn't able to use this template in the center block of the quilt because I was unable to hold it in place as I quilted the circle. The center of the square in a square block has no seams to cross so I was able to stitch a circle that was mostly round.
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Detail of the shapes around the circle |
I liked the circles; but, they seemed a bit bare so I decided to add some shapes to the outer edge of the circle. It is just a doodle. I didn't try to make each circle the same either; but, as I worked on the second border, I found a doodle that I sort of repeated.
I used 50 wt thread in the bobbin and in the needle. Again, I matched the color in the
needle; but, used an off white in the bobbin. It took some time; eventually, I finished quilting this border!
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View of the quilted border |
The skinny border is the next section that I will quilt. I plan to quilt circles and pebbles, like I did on the first skinny border. It is going to take me some time!
I'l be linking this blog to Longarm Quilting on Tuesday. I added her linkey to my blog post so feel free to check it out. I encourage you to check out Cheeky Cognoscenti's blog as she writes interesting posts about a variety of quilting topics.
In regards to Covid:
Worldwide: 17.9K confirmed; 10.6K recovered; 685K deaths
U.S.: 4.71M confirmed; 2.3M recovered; 157K deaths
Oregon: 18,492 confirmed; 322 deaths
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Over all view of completed quilting |
School plans are confirmed that distance learning will be in place at least until the end of October. Parents at that point have the choice of hybrid learning or continuing with distance learning.
A vaccine is in the third stage of trials. It could be available as early as December. My fingers are crossed it will be available and effective then!
Regarding the protesting, it continues into the ninth week. Friday was the first night of media reported "peaceful" protests. The state police replaced the federal marshals in protecting federal property. The media reported that there were still fires started; but, other protestors put out the fires.
We had a run of hot temperatures--upper 90s and day of 100 degrees! My daughter ordered a wading pool for the grandkids. It was supposed to arrive between July 19 and July 27. It still isn't here. The tracking says it is still on the east coast. A friend of hers had a pool her children had outgrown. Friday, my daughter and Miss J delivered the pool to our house because they don't have space for that size of pool.
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Filling the pool with air |
Daughter A and her dad repaired the one known hole. Miss J supervised the project. It was a hoot watching Miss J as the electric pump aired the pool. She crept closer to the project. Bob asked if she wanted to air up the pool. Of course she did! She held the electric pump and then she got to hold her finger over the intake spout while her papa removed the pump. Her eyes got bigger with every completed section aired.
When it came time to fill the pool, it was obvious she wanted in the pool! I asked if she had thought about asking her mama if it would be okay to take her shoes and socks off to wade in the water. Her mama said okay and in a flash, she was wading in the pool. Soon, it became obvious, she was going to get her clothing wet. I asked if she had thought about asking her mama if she could take off her skirt and shirt to keep them dry. Her mama said yes. . .The skirt was down in a flash. . .too quick to stay dry! Mama said, "let's get out of the pool, first."Mama hung the skirt to dry on the fence.
Miss J loved the water. . .it didn't matter that the water was cold. Miss J bobbed about until her mama said it was time to go home. It was hard; but, she got out without any negative comment. It was movie night at their house and she had some cleaning to do. (Her sister, K, stayed home to have enough time to finish her cleaning chores.) J had told her papa earlier that her sister would have all the cleaning done by the time they returned home and that she would still be able to watch the movie.
Her mama reported that there was vacuuming, toilet scrubbing and dusting which equaled the cleaning her sister did earlier. I still chuckled. I think that her thought process functions well beyond her actual age!
Today, she and her sister will be coming out to swim in the pool. Their mom and dad are coming too although, this pool isn't large enough for all of them at once! If J's first experience is any indication of the fun factor, I hope that we have a lot of swimming days left in the summer!
I sure have missed swimming in the pool!
Your Unity is quilting up beautifully! I'm glad you linked to Rebecca's new party because a friend of my will be interested in your use of Westalee templates. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for your kind comment about my Unity quilting, Joyful Quilter. If I could figure out how to squeeze a longarm in my space. . .I would have one!
I love the way you quilted those square-in-square blocks, Terri! The way you quilted around the circles, they remind me of blazing suns. This is such a beautiful quilt. I’m glad your granddaughter got a chance to splash around in the kiddy pool! Thanks for linking up with Long Arm Learning. :-)
Thank you, Rebecca! Those circles could look like blazing suns. . .I hadn't thought of that as I was doodling. Perhaps, filling that space would have been easier had I thought about blazing suns! I'm enjoying your blog and your Long Arm Learning link!
Hi Terry! Oh, those pictures of Miss J helping with the pool and in the pool are just priceless. We have two littles that just LOVE the water. I'm glad you found the hole! We lost an inflatable this summer and had to find a new one. Grandpa ordered one and it is quite fancy with cup holders and inflatable seats! WOW! He almost got the one with a slide - good thing he listened when told no. I'm visiting from Rebecca's linky. I love all the closeup shots you've shared. I think your choices for quilting are perfect and the few wobbly spots will go unnoticed. Especially once the quilt is washed. ~smile~ Roseanne
Roseanne, Thanks for stopping by and I enjoyed your story about the new inflatable! I agree that the wobbly spots will be unnoticed once the quilt is washed! I appreciate your kind comments about my motif choices for that border!
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