Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Black Swimsuit--3rd Finish 4th Quarter Finish A Long (FAL) 2017

I had posted a photo of swimsuits that I had cut out several years ago as my 4th Quarter Finish A Long 2017 goals 16-19. Well, I went to stitch one of the black suits and found that I hadn't cut a butt for either! I only remembered that I needed to cut a lining.

On closer investigation, I realized that needed a lining for the red suit. I have black lining fabric on hand. Now, I remember that I thought a better lining fabric choice would be beige. I'll keep my eye out for beige lining material.

Three swimsuits to make. . .
I did locate my black swimsuit fabric that I had on hand so I cut myself out a black suit; BUT, this fabric was different weight than the previously cut suits so it wouldn't work for butts of the other two suits.

Last week, I dropped by Joann Fabrics and bought a piece of swimwear fabric that should work for butts and I will be able to get these stitched up at a later date. I spent $14 and should be able to cut the butts and at least another suit out of the fabric.

Next summer the entire family--grands, daughters, son-in-law, boyfriend will all be going to Maui, Hawaii so a gal needs some swim suits. I've been making my swimsuits all my married life which is 37 and half years. In that time, I have only purchased one suit--I remember it was a steal at $2!!!

I did stitch the black suit and it "swims" well. This is the third finish and number 16 on my goals for this quarter. The reason I needed this suit is because this month, I began teaching "swimming" lessons to three to five year olds. I have two thirty minute classes. In the past six years, I have subbed for lessons; but, it has been years since I've taught a whole session of classes. I'm having fun teaching. Watching the confidence and water skills grow in each participant is rewarding.  Oregon has many water related activities. There are pools, lakes, rivers and even an ocean available for these activities. I like that as an instructor, water safety is as much a part of the lessons as is learning how to blow bubbles or swim more efficiently. If the information that the kids learn in class prevent a drowning or near drowning experience . . . well, what a win!

One of my favorite parts of the lesson is when the participants "ask" to do a particular game or skill. Another favorite part of the lesson is when it is time to go and the participants are moaning and asking if they could have one more turn!

Completed black swimsuit
The "uniform" for the swim instructor is a black suit. I'd much rather wear a bright colored suit than a plain black one; but, I can understand the rule. I've been around the pool teaching lessons, water exercise classes, instructor courses and swimming laps for 37 and a half years.

I've gone through a lot of swimsuits over the years. I call them throw away suits as the fabrics fade and lose their stretch from the pool chemicals after the first introduction to the pool. I haven't found that it mattered whether I used a special detergent to launder the suits or if I just rinsed them well after a pool session. I always have a couple of "Sunday" suits in the drawer. Sunday suits are new suits ready for the day when the old suit is ready for retirement. (I also didn't find the "treated" fabric to resist the chlorine damage was worth the price either!)

A couple additional reasons why I make my own suits--I have a longer torso and one hip is larger than the other. I have altered my pattern so my suits don't expose any more skin than is comfortable for me. I like top and bottom coverage!!! Also, my suits are fully lined. Most purchased suits are lined only in the front.

Second, over the years I've been "gifted" swim fabric or purchased it at such a bargain that I might have five to ten dollars of materials in each suit. Yes, it takes me some time to stitch a suit; but, I feel like I am money ahead! Besides, trying on clothes and shopping for clothes is an activity that I dread. . .I'd rather clean toilets than shop!

I used 1 3/4 yards of fabric to make this suit. This finish brings the amount of fabric used from my stash to 32 yards. I'm inching closer to using 50 yards of fabric from my stash this year!


Anonymous said...

Your swimsuit looks great! said...

Thanks, Nancy!

JoJo said...

I can only imagine what a swimsuit would look like if I tried to make one for myself. YIKES! Don't think it would be for public consumption. I'll stick with couch coverings. LOL said...

JoJo, actually, swimwear is easier to stitch than most think. . .the most critical measurement is getting it long enough. Second is stretching the elastic enough so that the suit stays in place. . .other than that. . .just stretch the heck out of each piece as you stitch. Now you are in the know too! That couch covering seems way too difficult to me! LOL

Marci Girl said...

Having sewn my first swimsuit this summer, I'm always excited to others make swimsuits, they are surprisingly not as difficult as everyone seems to think! Congrats on the finish. said...

You're right Marci about swimsuits not being all that difficult. There are a few tricks/tips though in the stitch process that makes the wearing more comfortable. This one has made it through a couple of swim lessons sessions and soon, I'll need to be making a replacement!