My lesson at Quilting Delights was in valuable when it came time to rehoop. I learned how to make a cross hair to be my registration mark so I could line up the next stitching. Almost as important was learning how to program the machine to show me where the first stitch of the design would be. Lining up the center of the cross hair with that first stitch made each rehooping easy. The positioning also meant that the words lined up perfectly!

For each of the hoopings the estimated stitching time from the machine was 24-30 minutes. While the machine stitched, I made a couple pillow cases. Now, it definitely takes me more than half an hour to make two pillow cases and I almost finished when the machine finished stitching. So on the next hooping, I started a stop watch to time the stitching. Guess what I learned? It was about an hour and a half for the machine to finish the hooping so I learned that the estimated time can be way off!

There were nine total hoopings for the border so it took me a lot longer to stitch than I had anticipated! While the machine stitched, I made lots more string blocks for the string geese project. I actually had this left over from a two gallon plastic bag of strings. I still have a two gallon plastic bag of strings left to play with. It felt great to have one bag empty! But, I digress!!!
When the machine finished stitching and I removed the project from the hoop, the stitching was beautiful. It was flat with nary a pucker. However, when I removed the tear away and the cut away, the piece puckered. This puckering leads me to conclude that the heaviness of the embroidery coupled with the rigidness of the cotton is what causes the puckering. The section of the project backed with the soft fuse did pucker less. Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos to share here!
This week, I've been quilting the wall hanging. I challenged myself to take the basic pebble pattern and change it for the whole piece. Check back next week to see if I was able to stay true to the challenge!
Things look great.
Impressive and beautiful. I think that lining up multiple hoopings is one of the most challenging aspects of such a project and you did it very well. I often get some of my designing and digital drawing done while my machine stitches. I can't go too far away or Gibbs (my Bernina 830) will get uhappy and break a thread or something. LOL.
I like how it looks!
Karen kfstitcher
BJ, Thank you! This was my first time to multi-hoop. The cross hair trick made the process so manageable. I too need to stay close while the machine is embroidering as if I become confident and stray too far, my machine will also become unhappy! I guess our machines just "need" our undivided attention! :)
Thank you, Luann. Now to finish the quilting. . .
Thank you, Karen. Working on quilting the border and sashing areas. . .it is slow. . .I keep thinking, "the finish is in sight!"
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