At this retreat, we exchange 7" squares of fabric and over the years, I have collected a lot of 7" squares! Some of these squares have made their way into applique projects. Some are cut and waiting to be sewn into blocks and a few actually made their way into a finished quilt!
In the project on the left, I made lots of nine patch blocks which didn't take long. . .it was the applique border that took forever. I have another top just like this one ready for a pepper applique border. . .but, that is a story for another day!!
Before the retreat, I decided that I would figure out a plan for the squares and stitch the blocks using the fabric as one of my projects.
I also brought pajamas to finish for one of the grand daughters and two pillow cases to make. (The oldest grand daughter picked the fabrics. She just HAD to have a pillowcase to go with her bunny "jamas"!) I brought the string geese blocks to add some wings. Finally, I took parts to make sawtooth stars.

I finished the pajamas and pillow cases the first day that I was there. I've uploaded a video of how well the granddaughter loved her "jamas" as she called them!
On the second day, I stitched the wings on the string geese.
You already know what I did with the sawtooth stars. Next time, I'll share what the blocks that I made with the 7"squares on the last day.
In the meantime, I finished quilting the purple star points and have moved on to quilting the green star points.