It is like having two projects going at the same time! That was how the Ripple project started. The photo on the left shows all the triangles sewn into half square triangles or HSTs.
I was inspired to make this because I belong to a quilting book club. We call ourselves "Thread Tales." We read a book, discuss it, make a quilt and then have a reveal. It is so cool to see what portions of the book inspired people and then how they translated their inspiration to fabric.
In the book, "The Husband's Secret," there were different story lines that were underlying at times. Sometimes, the story lines crossed paths; but, what struck me was that one act caused such an event of ripples. So I knew what I wanted to sew.
I made #344 units of four half
square triangles sewn together.

This is a one unit pictured on the right. They are small!
Then, I tried the design out on the design wall.

Of course, I was curious about "What If?" This is a phrase I learned from Sharyn Craig. In a class, she showed each of us that whatever blocks we brought, we could ask a few questions, try a few layouts and have success with the blocks living together!
I actually decided the box design would be the one so I began to stitch a couple rows together. Oops, there are "holes" in the boxes!! The design could have worked for this project; but, it wasn't what I was thinking. Perhaps, I'll use it another time. It was a challenge matching all those intersections!

My second challenge was to purchase a ruler that I could use to quilt free motion circles without marking and do it!
My second challenge was to purchase a ruler that I could use to quilt free motion circles without marking and do it!
The fabric for the back of the quilt was in a bundle I picked up from the free table at our guild meeting. It had seams in it and a few stains. . .perhaps, it was a table cloth? There was a large enough piece for the whole back! I also used it for the binding. The batting was pieces of wool and pieces of 80/20 that were left from another project. Yes, there are two layers of batting in this project and yes, each layer is pieced!
I even used the few left over HSTs to decorate the label!
So this is my "free" quilt with only the thread as new!
i like it. a beautiful "free" project.
Thanks, Deborah! You can't beat Free!!!
Terry, This is a great explanation of what seems to have been a very fun project with a wonderful end result. By the way, I like this, and I also like the boxes with missing segments. It looks deliberate and interesting. Cheers, Bj
Terry both designs are so pretty. Both designs are so pretty, you must make the box one some time it's lovely even with the gaps.
Your piece is very nice. I'm not sure my patience would last thru so many small pieces!!
Have a great weekend,
I too think the boxes with a hole might be interesting. . .or with a little more thought, it would be possible to piece them without the hole! Thank you for your kind comment!
I might just have to make the boxes with holes at some point! It would be interesting to see what happens with those holes!!! Thank you for your comment!
Well, the pieces were already made so it was just a matter of sewing them together. No way would I have cut them out that size to start!!!
Looks like my size of piecing ;) I love the alternative layouts you have tried. I might be persuaded to do a design with spare triangles left over. Or just make some hst's following on from the Sottt's escapade...
Great story and photos. Felt like I could see the process. I couldn't replicate the process, but I'm sure you could. Burrr, I am cold!
I am going to make another project with HSTs; but, plan to use them in a different pattern. Still working on clearing space to work on a big project so you won't be cold!!!
I believe you could call this serendipity!
I agree totally!!! Thank you for your thought!
I agree totally!!! Thank you for your thought!
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