This year, I'm working on three Block of the Month (BOM) projects; I have three BOM to finish and one from last year I chose fabric; but never started!
First, the mystery hexagon BOM update:
These are the blocks for
Spiders! I think the legs are especially cool.
The legs are stitched with a coral stitch. Mary Corbet from Needle and Thread has a how to tutorial
here. By the way, she has a wonderful blog!
A pumpkin!

and December:
A Christmas Tree! I have the embroidery left to do for hangers and to place a star on the top--well, actually, it is a diamond! But, I'm making progress!
Next step is to set this row and add to the
existing top that I blogged about here. I had thought that I would be able to quilt this in time for our guild's quilt show; but, I'm not sure about that now! I may feel differently once it is basted.
Second, is my Cheryl Walker chickens project. I have stitched the blocks together and now need to get back to the applique. This one has been hanging around for many years!
Third, is the guild's mystery BOM. I chose these fabrics. The first month, we did cutting and sewed stratas together. The second month, we made a bunch of flying geese. This month, we cut the strata into segments and made six nine patch blocks. I'm on pace with this BOM!

Fourth, is the online mystery BOM. This started in September and I stalled on fabric choice. After Christmas, I started with these fabrics. I was concerned that the third and fourth fabrics from the left were too close in value. But, I went with it.
It is a medallion style quilt. I haven't made one of those before. What is cool is that you get glimpses of what the quilt is going to be. And, I suppose that I could stop along the way and not finish each step if I found that I liked one step in particular!
The reasons why I tackle BOMs are:
that often I am forced to try different color ways,
I learn a different technique,
I make a pattern I may not have chosen on my own,
I meet other quilters,
and am inspired by their fabrics and insight to the pattern directions!
I stitched the pieced border which is a square within a square. However, the fabrics are too low in contrast to be able to see it. As I pieced, I told myself, I'm making a low contrast quilt. . .it's a first, it's okay. . .well, I finished making it and it WASN'T okay.
So, I tried different fabrics and then I tried a different combination of fabrics. Then I decided I would go with the green inner square.
I'm going to run out of fabric which means, I will get to make a different choice later. I like being able to see the pattern. The original border will be part of a pieced back.

I did manage to finish the December clue and like how it looks!
The fifth BOM is this one from Tulla Pink that I finished piecing fall of 2013 and just KNEW I'd be quilting it this fall. Hmm m m, quilting inspiration hasn't hit yet!
Oh, there is a sixth mystery BOM that I purchased the fabric for, collected the clues for; but, didn't even cut one fabric! Maybe I'll get to that one next year! I didn't realize how many BOMs I had going until this post. I suppose that I had better work on FINISHING some!