WARNING: This is a non quilting post. I'm documenting my knee progress.
When I last reported about my
right knee May 1; I was planning a two week break from PT because I wasn't making any improvements on my flexibility or extension. I still had the thigh pain from the quadriceps tear and the pain from the Achilles Tendonitis. My range of motion (ROM) was about 115 degrees for flexion and 3 degrees for extension.
The first week, I worked on the exercises on my own. I continued to ice my knee, heel and thigh at least three times during the day. At the beginning of the second week, I came down with COVID. Other than going to the bathroom, I was most comfortable laying in bed. About day six I could sort of sit up. I restarted my PT exercises on day 10. Day 12, I tested negative for COVID. Fatigue and a cough remained at day 13.
Upper: Swelling after October surgery Lower: Swelling after April surger |
So for ten days, the closest I came to PT exercises were a few stretches and flexions while I laid in bed. It was like starting over with the quadriceps muscle exercises. I sure wish the muscles would remember like the brain does!
Laying around did have benefits because the swelling in both of my legs reduced. The pain in my Achilles also lessened. July was when I came down with COVID. It was mid August before I started feeling like me again.
In August, I went to a podiatrist because of the heel pain in my right foot. Turns out, I have two bone spurs. One on the outside of my heel which could be removed in an "in" office procedure, The other is at the bottom of the heel. This one would have to removed by going through my Achilles tendon. . .ugh. . .!!!!
The leg wrap that worked in April |
I lived with that pain because October 1, I had my left knee joint replaced. The surgeon reported to my husband that this surgery went as well as the first. One would think that the same surgery would bring similar experiences. The short answer is yes and no!
First, I've had a lot of nausea this go around. Last time I had none. Second, I have little numbness around the knee. I still have a large area that is numb on my right knee. Third, the NICE ice machine isn't the winner it was last time. It is uncomfortable to use. I think having more of my nerves intact is a factor. I also have more bruising under the bend in my knee that I didn't have last time.
As an aside, the colors again are amazing. Perhaps, these will become the inspiration for a future quilt!
Fourth, I'm more comfortable sitting in my chair or laying in bed than I am laying on the couch with my leg elevated. It actually is uncomfortable to elevate my leg. Fifth, I have more range of motion at this point than I did last time. Sixth, my pain level is about the same. This time, I've taken one oxycontin dose. Last time, I took one and a half oxycontin doses. Seventh, swelling and bruising feels and looks similar. This time, I've been able to wear the support stockings as prescribed. I wasn't able to wear them last time because the stockings rolled down, caused a rash and bruising.
Penne pasta in a wine and sun dried tomato sauce with broccoli and pecorino cheese |
This time before surgery, I got to have an echocardiogram because I had too much swelling on my pre-op appointment. The echo showed that while I had been diagnosed with a congenital heart murmur about 20 years ago, this echo showed I had none. Improvements in technology was the reason given for the false murmur diagnosis
The test did show that my left atrium was a bit dilated as was my right ventricle. So, while surgery went ahead as scheduled, the consensus of the surgeon and pre-op team was that I would be spending the night. I asked to reevaluate because I wanted to go home same day.
Me with my husband--the best care taker ever |
On surgery day, my prep went well. We had a CNA, Alex, who gave us a great tutorial on how to get the support stockings on my body without so much pinching!
Again, the surgeon said I'd be staying the night and I asked if we could re-evaluate after surgery. He wasn't excited about my request; but, he agreed.
Surgery went well as well as it did the first time. My heart performed "normally." I was again on the list to go home same day!
I've had two PT sessions. Embracing PT was goal number three on my October list. The therapist spent our time reducing my leg swelling. Tomorrow, I have another PT session. We're going to work on stretching my thigh muscles. He did see how much range of motion I have in my right leg. . .122 degrees! (My goal was to get to 120 degrees.) I'm not at zero yet on the extension on the right leg; but, I'm working on it. It pays to keep doing the exercises!
The therapist was impressed with my progress. I imagine many people don't follow through and are back with the same issues. Thursday, I have an appointment with my primary care doctor for his opinion about my echo results. I imagine that I'll be seeing a cardiologist. Perhaps, having COVID a few months ago is a factor. Perhaps, having this surgery uncovered an issue. We shall see.
My husband has been by my side the entire time. My in town daughter sent us a casserole Sunday which was good; but, delicious the second day. It was nice for my husband to have a break cooking! I wouldn't be able to advance as much as I have without him!
I haven't been able to sew. . .even hand stitch yet. . .maybe in the next day or two. So far, I have been able to report today is a better day than yesterday. All is good!!