This month, I took a two day workshop at my local quilt shop and Bernina dealer, Quilting Delights. The class focused on decorative machine stitches one day and how machine feet can help you create magic with texture. I have a Bernina 780 machine that can stitch many decorative stitches. Have I used the stitches? Not often. I did stitch this:
This was what we worked on in class. We appliqued a flower with a variety of decorative stitches. It was fun to create! I like classes that are technique rather than project based. It is freeing knowing that I'm not working on something that it is SUPPOSED to be something!
The teacher encouraged each of us to complete a stitch book. A stitch book is simply stitching a segment of each stitch in the machine and labeling that stitch. Carol Ann Waugh is a stitch artist and has done her stitch book with a twist. She sews a few repeats of the stitch. Then, she stitches a few repeats with a shorter stitch and last a few repeats with a longer stitch.
This is how I organized my book. I had started a stitch book and had completed many pages. Class inspired me to finish this tool. I only had two pages left of stitches so it wasn't a long or terrible task! It is officially my first 2016 Finish Along!! I can't tell you why I became side tracked and didn't finish it long ago! I'm excited though because it is going to be a great resource tool for me!
Now, I have an artsy cover for my stitch book!
On day two, we stitched this felt bag. We used a variety of feet to stitch cording/ribbon/pearls. We even did a little felting with wool roving. Through this experience, I discovered at least one new friend to add to my inner circle of favorite feet! I'm considering stitching a little larger sampler project so I can play with the stitches and play with different feet. The point is, I've been stitching. I've been trying to create and along the way, I forgot to take some time for an artist's date. An artist's date for me, could mean: taking a class, looking at art, trying a new technique or just playing. I was working and forgetting about play! Do you schedule artist's dates for yourself?
I am tempted to say that every day is an artist's date around here! I think that would pretty much be true. I think the main thing is commitment. After that, everyone has their own path!
How nice to have a finish on the books already! Isn't it funny when it turns out to be much faster than we thought?
I'm inspired now to do a stitch book too. My artists date this week was the quilt show at The Oregon Garden in Silverton. Our CCQ guild had 33 quilts in the show and we were well represented in the special exhibits. Generally though I feel guilty heading out by myself for half a day so I stay home.
Joanne, I bet The Oregon Garden quilt show was great. We shouldn't feel guilty about recharging our creative batteries; but, I can relate to your statement!--Terry
Monica, I'm glad that you can recharge working on your projects. Sometimes, I get stalled and need some outside influence to re-establish my juju! As for the book, it was funny and I did laugh! I'd say to myself, I should get back to the project, you're nearing the end; but, I just didn't do it!--Terry
Delightful post! I have thought for some time I need to do a stitch book. Maybe I'll make a few pages at a time over the course of the next couple of months and make one myself. I like the idea of an artist date. For me it could be a day I work on something besides my main projects. Cheers.
BJ, That was how I made my stitch book--I'd have a bobbin that I wanted to use for something else so I'd stitch a few pages between other projects. I like your idea of your artist day working on something other than your main projects! --Terry
I am tempted to say that every day is an artist's date around here! I think that would pretty much be true. I think the main thing is commitment. After that, everyone has their own path!
How nice to have a finish on the books already! Isn't it funny when it turns out to be much faster than we thought?
I'm inspired now to do a stitch book too. My artists date this week was the quilt show at The Oregon Garden in Silverton. Our CCQ guild had 33 quilts in the show and we were well represented in the special exhibits. Generally though I feel guilty heading out by myself for half a day so I stay home.
Joanne, I bet The Oregon Garden quilt show was great. We shouldn't feel guilty about recharging our creative batteries; but, I can relate to your statement!--Terry
Monica, I'm glad that you can recharge working on your projects. Sometimes, I get stalled and need some outside influence to re-establish my juju! As for the book, it was funny and I did laugh! I'd say to myself, I should get back to the project, you're nearing the end; but, I just didn't do it!--Terry
Delightful post! I have thought for some time I need to do a stitch book. Maybe I'll make a few pages at a time over the course of the next couple of months and make one myself. I like the idea of an artist date. For me it could be a day I work on something besides my main projects. Cheers.
BJ, That was how I made my stitch book--I'd have a bobbin that I wanted to use for something else so I'd stitch a few pages between other projects. I like your idea of your artist day working on something other than your main projects! --Terry
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