Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Sweet Tooth Mystery Fabric Preparation--post one

Goal number 13 on my January list was to pre-wash the fabrics for the Sweet Tooth Mystery that Bill Kerr and Weeks Ringle from Modern Quilt Studio are hosting. Clue one will release on February 14. There are 22 half yards of transparency watercolor fabrics and one background fabric. 

The fabrics
After I had pre-washed the fabrics for my 2025 Temperature quilt, I started pre-washing the fabrics for this project. I spent about a week on this task. I'm looking forward to this mystery project. I'm working hard to make progress on a quilting project (2021 temperature quilt), a piecing project (Old Town) and a design project (Love Makes a Family) so that I'll feel like I can work on the clues without feeling guilty!

Background fabric for Sweet Tooth
Once I had finished pre-washing these fabrics, I began pre-washing the tree skirt fabrics which was goal number two on my January list. My oldest niece is getting married in July. I often give a quilted tree skirt as a wedding gift. These fabrics represent the backing, background and maybe the Santas. I'll cut the pieces next month.

Bottom three fabrics pre-washed
I'm back to using what I have left of the Stay-Flo starch. Since posting about alternatives, a couple of my friends who have some Stay-Flo but aren't planning to use it offered it to me. It will be a while before I will need to make my own starch. At least I know I can and that I like the results!

Marie Shell book
Earlier this month I attend a Maria Shell workshop on Pointless Triangles. My friend, Rosanne, shared the workshop information with me. It was a great way to see Maria's techniques. I did purchase her book "Improv." It's been available for a long time. Although I didn't make any samples of her various triangle methods, I am inspired to try. She made it look so easy and doable. At $35, the workshop was also so affordable! Maria will offer another workshop in this format in July with the topic of using scraps. I plan to attend that workshop too! Attending the workshop was goal number eight on my January list.

2024 Temperature quilt days pieced
I also finished the piecing for my 2024 Temperature quilt which was goal number nine on my January list. What a good feeling that is! Next month, I'll figure out the legend!

Linking to Alycia at Finished or Not Friday.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That I a beautiful bundle of fabric for your next QAL, Terry! That will be fun to work with. And your 2024 temp quilt top looks wonderful. I love the flow of color in it!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Ohhh Such PRetty fabrics!! I am excited to watch you get this one going!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Great job on your temp quilt! And yes, love those fabrics for your mystery quilt!!!