Sunday, December 29, 2024

Zen Tangle with the Grands

Giving a thumbs up that we can see the screen
Yesterday, Sarah Vedler of Meaning of Life Designs, hosted a free introduction to Zen Tangle via Zoom. It was about an hour and 15 minutes of description, practice and lecture. We did not purchase the recommended items to make the drawings because we we were unsure if we would want to make more drawings at a later time.

Work in process
It is fun to make art together because we all interpret the directions differently. So to see view each other's art is great! As you can see from the photo, our ages varied. The youngest was 2 1/2! 

Top: Miss A; Middle: me; Bottom Miss J
We decided we liked being able to switch up the ink colors. Miss A didn't want her work photographed. She drew a lot of the shapes and spent at least 35 minutes working on her art. I was impressed with her focus!

We had fun drawing and we found the practice meditative. We all said we would do it again! For me, it was a lot like free motion quilting except, we lifted our pens off of the paper! Sometimes, when I free motion quilt, I warm up with doodles. Sometimes, when I want to make a new to me design, I'll draw it on paper until I have the rhythm of the design.

To that end, Linda at Flourish Palms posted a link to a free motion quilter that I has developed some all over designs that she can quilt on her domestic. 


Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

This sounds like so much fun, Terry. Budding artists for sure! And most important- warm memories and spending time with the grandbabes. Have a wonderful day. Hugs.

Chantal said...

Sounds you all a great time together. Thanks for the link to the free motion quilting. I need practice in that section of quilting. ;^)

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love that you all can sit together and work on art projects, even the littlest one! Looks like lots of fun!

Vicki in MN said...

You all did great and created some lasting memories. It's been several years since I did Zentangle but it was fun!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Yes, sounds like something that doubles as FMQ practice! Fun pieces by each of you!!!