Sunday, February 20, 2022

Baby Quilts are Finished!!

Loaded. . .both quilts at once
It had been eight weeks since the last time I quilted a quilt on the longarm. Note to self: Eight weeks is WAY too long to be away from the process. I couldn't believe how much I forgot. . .AGAIN!!!  

Becoming reacquainted, though, was easier than it was the first time I had a break in time spent on the machine. For my newer readers, from July 2021 to October 2021, I was part of an outreach group that quilted charity quilts on a longarm that was donated to the guild. A member purchased the longarm in October. 
Finished quilting

The member, who had housed the donated longarm, offered anyone wanting to continuing charity quilt could quilt on her machine. I took her up on her offer.

To warm up, I quilted a charity quilt. I chose the bundle that was the thickest thinking that it would be a larger quilt. I like larger quilts for practice because I have more opportunities to practice centering and ensuring the starts and stops of the pattern are where I want them to be! When I unwrapped the bundle, I found that the top was small! 

Quilt backs
I forgot to take photos; but, I used a new to me "modernish" quilting pattern. The pattern resembled tree ring growth. The quilt top was a diamond pattern made up of colorful batik fabrics. I quilted it with a burnt orange bottom line thread. The machine wasn't that happy stitching bottom line thread. I liked the results.

Next, I loaded my newest granddaughter's quilts. Each quilt is about 48 inches square. To get the most out of a pass with the longarm, I loaded the backing sideways. 

I stitched the two tops together. In retrospect, it would have been better for me to baste the edges because removing the stitches to take out the spacer took time and it wasn't always successful. Sometimes, I needed to restitch a part of the design. Live and learn!

I used a Rainbows thread named Piñata for the quilting. I have learned that Superior Threads, the company that developed the thread line, discontinued it. I'm glad I was able to use it one more time on this quilt. I used all of my cone. I have about half a 500 yard spool of it remaining. I quilted it with a circle design. I have used this design before. 

It took me about three hours to quilt these two quilts. I definitely would quilt two quilts together another time! Setting the tension went quickly with this project. I had no broken threads as I quilted. (The quilting goddesses had my back!)

I cut all of the leftover green I had for the binding and pieced it together. I cut my strips 2 1/2 inches. In case I need more strips than I had available, I added a strip of red flannel. I'd rather have a leftover than be short when stitching the binding!

Finished front and finished back
I found two labels in my stash that had butterflies on them. I've added most of the information on the label. I'm waiting until after the newest granddaughter's birth to record the name and the date.

Because my youngest granddaughter is feeling like her status is changing and that her status is not changing in a good way, I asked the family here to sign the label. I told Miss J it was important that our new baby would know we loved her already and that we can't wait to welcome her to the family properly! The youngest wrote a little note. Life is going to remain good for her!

I used 11 yards of fabric in this project. That brings the total of stash used so far this year to 25 yards! It was goal number seven in my First Quarter list. It was goal number one in my February list. It was also my One Monthly Goal. These bring my finishes to three for 2022. Visit: Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal February Link-up  see other February goals.

I'm linking up to Cynthia and Oh Scrap/Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's such a nice way to encourage people to get charity quilts finished, and then great that you could quilt for your newest granddaughter, too! I love how you involved the nearby grands in the gift, too. These are going to be well-loved quilts!

The Joyful Quilter said...

One quilt for charity and two for gifts? Sweet deal, Diane. Sounds like a win-win to me!!

Darlene S said...

Wow, you've been busy, but it looks like great fun. I do so enjoy quilting baby quilts. I agree with Joyful Quilter as for me I think of it as a win-win. Great for charity, great for gifts, and also a great way to build expertise with a new FMQ motif.

Ivani said...

WOW 2 quilts quilted in 3 hours, this is fantastic!!