Off we went to the studio. Inside the door, she crooked her finger at me to come closer so I bent down and she whispered in my ear, "Sissy needs a dress too. Can we sew it NOW?"
So we did! She made it a little different from the dress she made for herself. I loved that she wanted to celebrate individuality. The pressing went faster this time.
There were less lines to remember and after a little over an hour. . .we had the tah dah moment. . .
Our four year old is so tickled to have made it on the sly. She plans to present it to her sister on June 4 so her sister will have a present to open during her birthday party. She also asked me if she could enter enter the dress in the county fair.
We did enter it in the fair. If you are less than seven years old, you can win a participant ribbon; but, you don't earn a premium unless you happen to be the youngest participant. . .then you win $10 and a big blue ribbon. Guess who was the youngest participant?
The judge wrote "What a wonderful gift! Keep on stitching!"
She told her mama that she is buying a Barbie with her winnings!
So this week, we revamped the straps. Now there are two straps and they tie in the back.
Sissy is much happier with the dress now!
It was a great week!
That is brilliant, Terry, what a great story. I'm telling you, you have a future fashion designer there! Congratulations to her on her ribbon!
Isn't it awesome to have the little ones wanting to share their creative adventures? Keep up the encouragement that I'm sure she feels. I wish dresses for me were so easily adjusted. LOL
So sweet! Little kids can be so giving! I'm glad she got a big prize for her efforts.
What a heart-warming story, Terry. It's a win, win situation for all. Gail
I hope so, Monica! She likes to draw and create that is for sure. I sure hope the quilting virus will infect her big time! :) Terry
I so hear you about being able to adjust dresses with just some straps for our. . .ahem. . .mature bodies! Terry
It did make my heart sing when she wanted to make the dress for her sister! Terry
Win/Win situations are truly the BEST!!! This was such a sweet one. Terry
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