DD said she thought that the birthday girl might wear a yellow princess dress; but, that any color would be fine.
This granddaughter loves a rainbow; she doesn't settle on one color. She also is partial to kitties. So the party theme is Rainbow Kitty Super Princess or something like that.

She is wearing the cape on her birthday invitation and DD says that there are times when it is ABSOLUTELY necessary that the cape come out to play! Ahhh, what a simple gift to make an almost two year old's playtime fun!
Next week, I'll be back on quilting related topics!
how wonderful xx now you will be known as the grandma who can make ANYHING xx well done x
Very cute! Don't you wish adults could be as easily pleased as a 2 year old?
You have a very pleased customer there! So cute and I love the fabric you chose. kfstitcher Karen
Diane, I hope I'll be able to create that "magic" when called upon!--Terry
Karen, I was fortunate that I found the fabric and trim at a 50% off sale of already reduced fabrics at our Fabric Depot. (FD is a fabric store that has EVERYTHING!) There was enough to make the cape and maybe something later for sister! Thank you!!--Terry
Ahhh, your comment makes me smile, Betty Jo!--Terry
It is such joy to share in the enthusiasm you have created with your granddaughter!
It is such joy to share in the enthusiasm you have created with your granddaughter!
All of my Grandkids love capes! Super hero, Princess, or an Imaginary character that wears a cape, they make them from towels if necessary. Gotta love kids and their imaginations.
PS thanks for stopping by my blog. I just finished off quilting a 'turning 20' for a client that dropped it off today. I'll see her again for a meeting on Wednesday, and I wanted to be able to return it,, silly me. So, my remake of the 20" center star block got put on hold for a day or two.
So it goes,
LOL, they are so easy to please at that age! But I can see it is fun fabric, and I'm sure it makes interesting sounds as well. :D
Nancy, in a word, "YES!" When one witnesses that total joy. . ., well, that is part of the magic of a 2 year old! Terry
Thank you Joanne, the cape was the ticket to the enthusiasm for sure!
So true about kids, imaginations and capes! I enjoy visiting your blog! You inspire me!--Terry
It is a slick, but quiet fabric. I didn't think the mom and the dad would appreciate fabric sounds in addition to the super hero/princess sounds!! --Terry
That looks totally fun. I love the see through parts. Just perfect for a little princess. or actually even a more mature princess would have fun with that! :)
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