This was my first finish of the second quarter.
I did finish quilting this top!
This was my second and third goal met for the quarter. I did finish piecing the mystery quilt and I did piece the back.
Below are my third quarter goals:
Stitch the President's blocks into a top. This is a sample of one block at left. I got close to finishing this goal at the end of June; but, didn't quite make it so I'm rolling it over to the next quarter!
I am adding that I will also:
Piece a back for it
Pin Baste it
Quilt it!
Notice that I didn't write that I would also have the binding, label and sleeve finished too!
butterfly quilt--get it pin basted,
TQS BOM--figure out the embroidery for the border that I want to add,

Five past book club and one current book club projects:
Finish this little top.
Add the skinny pieces to liven up the background and appliqué the flowers to finish the top.
Add the quilting to this project. I also want to add some beads which will be a first for me!
Figure out how to fit the bridge on this piece and what to do with the open bottom right corner:
These are two starts to book club quilts. . .Are you seeing a pattern??? I must return to my word for the year. . .FOCUS on finishing!!!
Keep putting in a little time each month on appliquéing the pieces that over lap the blocks on this chicken wall hanging. I only stitched on it three times in the last quarter. I'm thinking that I need to designate a day to work on it each week to really make progress!
Finish the online mystery BOM top. I just have the last clue to complete!
Begin a pieced/embroidery project to keep the dust off of my embroidery skills!
Finish this little bib. I picked it up at a "sale" for less than a quarter. I figure it would make a good add on gift for a baby shower.
This is the fabric for a pieced, appliqué and embroidered project! I have it cut out; but, haven't started stitching!
Sew another 50 yards from my stash during the year. I've been using fabrics from my stash; but, since I haven't completed much using them, I haven't listed where I am on that goal.
Have FUN!
This is a lot for a list and many of the projects are hold overs from the first quarter. I'm okay with that. As long as I'm making progress, I don't mind having long lists! Also, I have found that if I am more specific about the result of the progress, I make more progress!
Wow! It's all so incredible! I love how your hexagon quilt turned out and can't wait to see how the other projects move along. It looks like you are the same type of quilter that I am: Squirrel! (Think of the movie "Up")
You never cease to amaze me! Your progress is terrific, and your future intentions look pretty interesting. I certainly agree with your last statement about getting more progression accomplished when you get more specific on what constitutes progress to oneself! I certainly enjoy your posts, and a big thank you for all the great comments on my blog. Ivebeen a bit remiss at posting follow ups. I've just been in the 'get things finished' mode and not spending much time online lately.
You give new meaning to the words, "Stay focused," Terry! You are amazing. ~Gail
Nancy, I haven't seen the movie ,"Up"; but, I can relate to "Squirrel" in thinking like a dog! Yes, Nancy, you're correct! I sure don't want to be bored! ;) ;) I can't wait to see how these projects turn out either!--Terry
Luann, I understand about being in the "get things finished" mode and staying off line! I can sure lose a lot of time visiting online! Being specific really has helped and it has helped when I've been stuck too. Sometimes, I can't pin point what makes me stuck! I look forward to reading about what you are doing. --Terry
Gail--I'm watching my to do list grow ever longer!!! I am making progress--that's true--just not at the pace I think I should! ha!!
Focus, Focus, Focus!!! ---Terry
Oh you have a challenging list of lovely wips!! That butterfly is going to be gorgeous!! On behalf of the FAL team, thanks for sewing along with us!
Debbie, thanks for visiting! That butterfly will be the next big quilt to be pin basted. . .I'm finishing a big quilt so more pins are becoming available!!--Terry
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