This was a Bonnie Hunter free pattern on her web site. She blogged about her inspiration quilt here. I have blogged about them in the past.
I like how these blocks are coming together. You'd never know the seam allowances are far from consistent!
I don't know how many blocks we need for the project; nor how many we have made nor how many geese we have waiting for wings.

The older grand is deciding how "tall" the row should be. She had this comment about our test row, "Look Gran, it's way up there. So big. I'm not that big. Maybe we should sleep on it and then decide!"
In the mean time, she is decorating the wall with her art work just for me! I had to chuckle. . .the drawings are two sided so I can "change them out!" She thinks of everything!
Who knows where we will be in a couple weeks!
What fun to work with those cuties! This quilt will be a masterpiece!!
Grands have such great ideas and are not afraid of creative pursuits. So great that you are sharing your passion with them.
What blooming artists you are helping to create. Gail G
Nancy, It is a hoot to work with the grands. It certainly will be a masterpiece! :) Thanks!--Terry
Joanne, It is true, they have great ideas. I've had the geese flying the same direction; but they decided the geese needed to be able to fly both ways. The inspiration quilt has them that way; but, they hadn't seen it. They always keep the activity interestingI--Terry
Gail, Blooming is for sure! I get such a kick out of the older one filling the design wall with her art work! --Terry
Warms my heart and brings a smile to my face, seeing Grands having fun together. This is how we pass on our legacy, while we are still here! Terry, did you see the poppy hat I put up on my Facebook page? I thought of you right away when I saw it.
Luann, we spent this week cooking. I hope next week we can return to the studio! I so want to infect them both with the quilting virus! :) No, I didn't see your poppy. It must be a beautiful red one--:) Thanks for your comment!--Terry
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